Learn how to build and configure an Output. This article will give you an overview of the process, the field and value types, and how to configure it to your needs with rules and conditions. 

In the previous step, you learned to build and configure the Create form using Input fields. However, before a user can submit a record, you need to define what should be generated.


How to create an Output

A taxonomy must have already been defined before creating Outputs.

An Output is what is generated from the Create form when a user submits it. Outputs can be tracking codes, name sets, computed values, etc. They can be built and configured to your needs using different types of value, rules and conditions.

From the configuration of Inputs, switch to Outputs or

from the Home page, navigate to 'Settings' > 'Configuration' > 'Output fields'. Then: 

  1. (Preconfigure any Variable or Unique ID)

Variable and Unique IDs are linked values that can be reused multiple times. 

If you plan to use any, consider pre-configuring them as it eases the process.

  1. Select and add an output field type

Currently available types: URL and text. 


  1. Build the output value

Choose whether the value of the output is composed of a single value or is a combination of multiple values.


  1. Configure the output value

Specify and configure the single value components of the output value. This differs depending on your output value structure. 

  1. Apply Rules (optional)

A rule is a transformation that modifies the data to conform to a certain format and/or pattern. This ensures consistency. 


  1. Add conditions (advanced)

A condition is a logical comparison that must be met for something to go into effect. 

When applied to output values, it lets you generate different output values depending on different cases. 


  1. Save as a draft or submit

Note: The final output is added as a single string under the output column on the Records table. However, when creating the output, you’ll have to define each component of it.

Output structure
1. Output field
A single-string output that is generated when a record is created. 

2. Output value
The final value of the output. It can be made of one single value or multiple ones. 
Combined with conditions, different output values can apply to different cases. 

3. Value
(Single) Values are the building blocks of outputs. 
They can be used alone, combined, or assigned to conditions to build the output value and hence, the final output. 

Output = value1
value1 is a single output value that is composed of 1 value. 

Output = value1+value2+... 
value1+value2+... is a combined output value that is composed of multiple values. 

Learn more about the structure of an Output and its value components here.



In this example, we'll show you how to build a tracking URL as output. 

Specifically, we want to build a tracking code that passes information about medium, source, and a click ID. 

Moreover, for Google Ads specifically, we also want to track segments.

Other requirements: the final URL must not have spaces (20%) but use dashes (-) instead.


Click on the picture to expand it

Detailed breakdown (click here)

This output has two cases, a default output value and a specific one for Googles Ads. 

The structure of both cases is a URL that combines single values. Where:

  • Medium, Source, and Segments are input field values
  • Clid is a unique ID value

Tip: We recommend that you pre-configure Unique IDs and Variables.

Output field type: Tracking URL


Output value (default case)

Build URL

Base URL: Landing page


  • Medium
  • Source
  • Clid


Output value (conditional case)

Condition: When the source is Google Ads (see the section below as well) 

Build URL

Base URL: Landing page


  • Medium
  • Source
  • Segments
  • Clid

Rules (Output field level)

Replace space ( ) with dash (-)


The Google Ads case is an output value with a condition that can be rewritten as:

IF the source is Google Ads, THEN apply the output value named 'If Google Ads'

Note: Output fields work based on a first-match logic. 

This means that once the first case is fulfilled, an output value is generated and that is it. Other cases that come later in the order are not considered. 

Hence, in the above example the 'If Google Ads' case needs to be moved to the first position. 
Otherwise, the default case will always be applied since the (unconditional) case is always fulfilled.

If you want other cases to always be considered, you'd need to create them in different output fields.

Step-by-step video*:

*Please note that the Unique ID has already been pre-configured and is ready for use in this video.

Note: Theoretically, you could obtain the same result with a conditional value without creating two different output values like above. However, there are differences that need to be taken into account. 

Learn more about the difference between multiple output values with conditions and conditional values here.


1. Output field types

Accutics Standardize currently supports 2 types of output fields:

  • URL. Select this field type if you are building URLs.

Use case: Tracking codes.

  • Text. Select this field type if you are joining text values.

Use case: Name sets for ads, ad sets, campaigns, etc.

To add an output field, click 'Add output' > Select an output field type.

This will create a field where you can start building the output value. 

Note: The fields look identical for both types, however, the choice of output type influences their features and functionalities. E.g., for URL outputs, you can generate QR codes.

2. Building an output value


The output value is the final value of the output. However, when building it, you will need to have a good idea of every value component and how they are structured. 

Indeed, to build an output value, you can:

  1. use only single values
  2. combine multiple values components
  3. set conditions to value components (conditional value)

Note: Conditional values and conditions applied to output values are different. Learn more about their difference here

To start building your output value, click 'Add output value' > Select an option. 


Add a single value

Single values are the smallest elements in an output, which can be used as a standalone or combined. 


  • Input value. It lets you select an input field value to map to (from the Create form).
  • Unique value. It lets you use a unique ID value. This is normally pre-configured. 
  • Static value. It lets you define and use a static value.
  • Variable value. It lets you store complex value structures as one value. This is normally pre-configured. 


Learn more about each single value type here.

Combine multiple values

You can think of Join and Build URL as functions that let you combine multiple single values. 


  • Join. It lets you join different value components divided by a separator.

You can think of Join as a CONCATENATE function with a custom delimiter. 


  • Build URL. It lets you create a URL with parameters.  

This is similar to join but differs in its format. Build URL follows the very specific format of a tracking URL, composed of a base URL, parameters, and specific annotations. 

Learn more about how to combine values here.

Set conditional values

Condition lets you define different value components depending on different cases by using a conditions module. 


  • Condition. It lets you create a conditional value.

You can think of it as an IF-Then (ELSE) function. 

Learn more about conditional values here.

Output values formatted as formula strings (click here)


If we were to compare building an output value to Excel formulas, output values could look like: 


Output = single output value 



Output = combined output value using a JOIN function

JOIN(delimiter; value1; value2; [value]; …)


Output = combined output value using a BUILDURL function

URL(base URL; parameter1; [paramenter2]; …)


Output = conditional output values 

IF(logical test, return value1, [value2 if false];)

3. Configuring the output value

The configuration consists of configuring every value component that you previously defined. 



Single value

Input value. the configuration depends on the input field type you selected to be used.

  • Text field. No configuration.
  • URL. No configuration.
  • Dropbox. Values format.
  • Multiselect. Values format and delimiter. 
  • Checkbox. Values format. 
  • Date. Date format.

Unique value (linked value). No configuration is needed at this stage, as it is normally preconfigured.

To make any edits to it, navigate to the main element under the 'Unique IDs' tab.


Note: Ideally, you have already set a unique value ready for use. If not, you can create one from the 'Unique IDs' tab on top.


Static value. 

Static means that the value is 'fixed' and does not change. Its configuration consists in defining the value to be used.


Variable value (linked value). No configuration is needed at this stage, as it is normally preconfigured.

To make any edits to it, click on it to navigate to the main element.

Learn more about how to create a Variable here

Combined value


Its configuration consists in defining (1) a delimiter to separate the different values and (2) the value components to be joined. 


Tip: You can nest combined values like 'Join' within another value component.



Its configuration consists in defining (1) the base URL and (2) the parameters to be appended to the base URL. 

Note: The URL value type is automatically formatted according to industry standards.

E.g., https://example.com?key1=value1&key2=value2

https://example.com is the base URL
? marks the start of the query string
• key1 and key 2 are the parameter keys/parameter names
• & is the parameter separator
• value1 and value2 are the parameter values

Conditional value

Condition (value components)

Its configuration consists in defining the (1) scope of the condition, (2) the comparison expression, and (3) the value to be returned if the condition is met. 


It is best practice to also set an unconditional default value to be returned (if none of the conditions are met). Without a default value, you risk returning an empty string. 


Click the dropdown arrow on the right side of the 'Add expression' button > 'Add a default value' 


Note: Conditional values and conditions applied to output values are different. Learn more about their difference here


Configuring a basic output value for a tracking URL.

Learn more on conditional values here

4. Rules (optional)

A rule is a transformation that modifies the data to conform to a certain format and/or pattern. 


Switch to the 'Output rules' tab > 'Add output rules' to choose a rule to apply 


Available rules: 

  • Change case
  • Replace
  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • URL encodes

Note: Rules can be applied at different levels:

Level 1: output field
Level 2: output value
Level 3. single value

Depending on the type, a rule at a higher level may override rules at lower levels. In other cases, a rule may be applied to a specific level without affecting other ones.

A letter case rule at the output level overrides the case rule applied at the single value levels (if any).

On the other hand, a suffix rule at an output level would add a suffix to the end of the output, without affecting any suffixes added to single values.


Learn more about output rules here.

5. Conditions (advanced)

A condition is a logical comparison that must be met for something to into effect. Normally, conditions are assigned to an output value to define different cases (see the section below). 

Find the output value > 'Add condition' > Configure the condition module

  1. Choose the scope

Define whether ALL the conditions have to be met for the action to be performed, or if just ANY condition is sufficient.

  1. Select the parameter to be evaluated

Click 'Add expression' > 'Input fields' > Select the parameter to be evaluated

  1. Define the comparison expression

Select the comparison operator and value


Tip: You can build conditions that contain multiple sub-conditions and combine them into groups. 

To create a condition group: 
1. Create an expression
2. Click on it > Click on the group icon
3. 'Add expression' within the group

You can keep creating groups and nesting them within other groups.

Also, each group can be evaluated with its own ANY or ALL logic. This lets you define a condition that uses different scopes.

Multiple output values

You can click 'Add output value' and create new output values. Used with conditions, this creates a decision tree that allows you to apply different values for different cases.

Note: The order of the output values matters. The general logic is:

 IF (this case applies) THEN (generate this output value).

However, once a conditional case is fulfilled, subsequent output values are not considered (first-match logic).


In this example we create two cases: 

1. Output value when the market is Global 

2. Output value when the market is Germany


Tip: You can set multiple output values using conditions. However, if you need to even more specificity, you can also add conditional values. Learn more about combining conditions with conditional values here

Up next:

Create User Attributes