Learn how to configure a Destination URL to ensure that your URLs always have the correct click tracking, domain, and parameters.

Note: The Destination URL validation rule is currently available for Google Ads and Facebook Business Manager.
See a full list of sources and their validation rules here.

URLs contain several pieces of information that are passed from one domain to another using parameters and/or click trackers. The more complex they are, the more susceptible to errors, which could distort the data you are passing. 


The Destination URL validation rule checks that the URLs in your ad platform have proper click tracking, are linking to the right domain, and contain the query parameters you require. 

If you have no specific requirements, this rule will validate that the URLs are valid by default. 


The validation rule works by checking the syntax of the URLs in the ad platform against the requirements you set. 

The configuration includes settings for third-party click tracking, domains, and query parameters:

  1. Define the domain or click tracker

Select what you are using for the destination URL - your own domain, a third-party tracker, or a custom setting.


  1. Configure the URL settings

The configuration can vary slightly depending on what you select in the previous step. 

If you use 'Own domain', other settings available are 'Allowed domains' and 'Required parameters'.

However, if you use a third-party click tracker, you'd also need to define whether you override it with a redirect parameter or not.

'Custom' lets you configure a custom setting. Hence, all settings are available. 

Here is an overview of all the settings you can find. 

  • (Domain)

This field is available only if you selected 'Custom'. 

It lets you, for example, set up a third-party clicker domain that we don't already offer. 

  • (Override click tracker)

If you use a click tracker, define whether you override it with a redirect parameter or not. 

  • Allowed domains

  • Required query parameter(s)

  1. (Add more URL settings)

You can make use of multiple different third-party providers for click tracking. 

Your destination URL must match at least one URL setting to pass this validation rule. If any errors are found, a finding is marked.

Destination URL domain

Start by defining if you use your own domain, a third-party click tracker, or a custom domain as the destination URL.

Click 'Add URL settings' > Select one of the options

  • Own domain
  • Custom

    Third-party click trackers:

  • Adforms 
  • Campaign Manager 360
  • Sizmek by Amazon

Click on the image to expand it

Domain (Custom settings only)

This setting lets you define the domain you are using for the Destination URL. This field is not required if you use your own domain or you use the predefined options for click trackers. However, it becomes relevant if you want a custom setting. 

To set it, simply enter the value in the 'Domain' field

'Custom' lets you configure a custom setting. This could be used, for example, to configure a third-party click tracker we don't already provide.

Click on the image to expand it

Override click tracker

This setting is relevant only if you use a click tracker and lets you define if you are using a redirect parameter to override it. 

Toggle 'I override the URL of the click tracker'/'I use the x = parameter to override the URL'

At this point, the allowed domains and required parameters settings will activate.

Click on the image to expand it

Note: Destination URL = landing page URL + URL suffix.

In other words, the address of the final page where the user arrives after clicking an ad is the Destination URL.  This means that if you use a click tracker with a redirect parameter, we validate allowed domains and query parameters for the URL contained in the redirect. 

Let's consider an Adform click tracker.

Click tracker

Overridden click tracker

https://accutics.com is what is validated for allowed domains and parameters. 

Allowed domains

This setting lets you define which exact domains are allowed.

Click on the image to expand it

Toggle 'Set allowed domains' > Enter the domain values

Domains are added as tag values, simply enter the value and click enter to add another one. 

Note: If you use a click tracker and override it with a redirect parameter, this setting refers to the domains of the URL contained in the redirect. 

Required query parameters

If you require certain query parameters on your landing pages, you can add them to the rule as well. An example would be if your landing pages for search campaigns should always include 'utm_medium=search'.

In order to define a parameter, you must provide a parameter key and operator. Dependent on your operator, you may need to add a value as well.

Toggle 'Set required query parameters' > 'Add parameter' > Fill in the needed information > 'Done'

Click on the image to expand it

Parameter key

The parameter key must be unique.



Possible operators are:


  • Equal

Use this operator if the value of your key is static or if you use a predefined template in your ad platform that contains the same macros for all ads. 


  • RegEx 

Use this operator if the value of your key is dynamic but still holds a taxonomy, which you can write through a regular expression.


  • Is set 

Use this operator if the actual value is subordinate as long as the key is set. 



This field is where you set the actual value of the parameter key unless the selected operator is `is set´.

Note: If you use a click tracker and override it with a redirect parameter, this setting refers to the domains of the URL contained in the redirect. 


Let's consider different scenarios using the following Destination URL:


Scenario 1 - Own domain


No click tracker is used. Hence:

Click on the image to expand it

Step-by-step instructions (click here)

  1. Select 'Own domain' 
  2. Further requirements 
    • Toggle 'Set allowed domains' and input: accutics.com
    • Toggle 'Set required query parameters' and add parameters
      • utm_parameter1, equal, value1
      • utm_parameter2, equal, value2

Scenario 2 - Click tracker


An Adform click tracker with a redirection parameter is used. Hence:

Click on the image to expand it

Step-by-step instructions (click here)

  1. Select 'Adform' 
  2. Further requirements
    •  Toggle 'I use the cpdir= parameter to override the URL'
      • Toggle 'Set allowed domains' and input: accutics.com
      • Toggle 'Set required query parameters' and add parameters
        • utm_parameter1, equal, value1
        • utm_parameter2, equal, value2

Scenario 3 - Custom


A third-party click tracker with a redirection parameter is used. The click tracker is not listed. Hence:

Click on the image to expand it

Step-by-step instructions (click here)

  1. Select 'Custom' 
  2. Input domain: some.clicktracker.net
  3. Further requirements
  • Toggle 'I override the URL of the click tracker'

Input parameter: 'redr'

  • Toggle 'Set allowed domains' and input: accutics.com
  • Toggle 'Set required query parameters' and add parameters
  • utm_parameter1, equal, value1
  • utm_parameter2, equal, value2