Learn more about how an Output and its value components are structured. 

Output structure

An Output is what is generated from the Create form when a user created a record. Outputs can be tracking codes, name sets, computed values, etc. 


Structurally, an output can be broken down into three main components: 


1. Output field

The output field is a single-string output that is generated and added to the Records table when a record is created.


2. Output value

It is the final value of the output. It can be made of one single value or a combination of single values. With multiple output values, conditions can be assigned to define different cases. 


3. Value

A (single) value is the building block of an output. It can be used alone, combined, or assigned to conditions to build the output value.

An output field is added as a single string under the output column on the Records table.

However, when building the output, you’ll have to define every single component of it. Indeed, an output value can be composed of one value or a combination of values.

Single output value. Output = value1
Combined output value. Output = value1+(value2)+...


Example - Output structure

In this example, we break down the structure of a simple tracking code. 


Final output:  



Where the output value is a combination of 2 single values. Specifically: 

? marks the start of the query string and indicates that the single values were combined using a Build URL function.

Indeed, the output can be rewritten as: 

Output = combined output value

BuildURL(base URL; parameter1)




Value components

Depending on how values are composed and/or used, we can also identify different types of value components. 


Single value

It is the smallest unit used as a stand-alone, in conditional values or to build composite values.


Combined value 

It is made up of multiple single values which are combined into one. E.g., using Join and Build URL. 


Conditional value

It is made of a value(s) that changes according to the conditions assigned to them.



Example - Value components

In this example, break down each value component of a similar tracking code. 

Final output: 

https://example.com?id4567890 or https://example.com?clid=123abc


https://example.com is a single value – URL input field value


clid=123abc or id=4567890 are different cases of a conditional value

  • Case 1 – static value
  • Default case – unique ID value

? marks the start of the query string and indicates that the single values were combined using a Build URL function. Indeed, the output can be rewritten as: 

Output = combined output value

BuildURL(base URL; parameter1)

However, if we consider that the unique ID value also changes according to different cases, the final rewrite becomes:

Output = combined output value

BuildURL(base URL; IF(logical test, then return value1, else value2))

Example - Structure and value components (advanced)

In this example, we build a simple tracking code for Adobe Analytics composed of landing page and an ID parameter. 

Specific requirements: 

  • The ID is composed of channel and a randomized unique ID
  • The delimiter is a dash (-)

Let's break this down: 

Output field type: URL 

Output value

Build URL (Combined value)

1. Base URL

Single value: URL input field (Single value)

2. Parameters

Parameter1: cid

Join (Combined value)

  • Delimiter: -
  • Value1: Channel input field (Single value)
  • Value2: Unique ID (Single value)

The output basic structure is: Output = BuildURL(base URL; parameter1)

However, if we consider that the unique ID is also a combined value, it becomes:

BuildURL(base URL; Join(delimiter; value1; value2))

Example of final output:  

BuildURL(URL; Join(-; channel; unique ID))

Output = https://example.com?cid=emai-abc123