Create styling templates for QR codes to maintain a consistent branding when generating them. 

A QR code template is a pre-defined configuration of styling elements, including images and colors that users can apply when generating for QR codes. 


Instead of manually customizing each QR code individually, users can apply a template to automatically do so. This can also, for example, ensure consistent branding following the company guidelines in terms of logo or image and colors. 



Creating a QR code template

Note: You need a Project manager or Admin role to create and manage templates.


QR code templates can be created from the Project settings. 


Click ‘Settings’ under the ‘Setup’ section > ‘QR code templates’ > ‘Create template’

This will open an editor to let you name the template, add a PNG image, and set colors. 


Template name

This is the name used by users to identify the template when generating QR codes. 


Add image

To add an image: 

  1. Toggle the ‘Add image’ setting on 
  2. Upload a PNG with your logo or any other images


This will add an image at the center of the QR code. 

Note: Adding an image will set the  ‘Adjust redundancy’ setting to the highest level when users generate QR codes (See section below).

Set color

To set different colors: 


  1. Toggle the ‘Set colors’ setting on 
  2. Set the background color or choose a transparent background
  3. Set the color of the QR code itself



On the right-hand side, you have a preview showcasing how the QR code will look like once the template is applied.



Viewing and managing QR codes templates

Once saved, the template will be listed in a table under 'QR code templates'. Here, you can view a list of all QR code templates along with related information, that is name, the user who last updated it, and the date of modification.

Edit a template

To edit a QR code simply click on the template or click on ‘Edit’ from the more menu that appears when hovering on it. 


Delete a template

To delete a QR code simply click ‘Delete’ from the more menu that appears when hovering on it, or alternatively, you can do so while editing the template by clicking the ‘Delete’ button on the top right. 




Using a QR code template

Once created, templates are readily available for use when generating QR codes. 

From the QR code modal, users have the option to choose whether to apply a template or not. If they opt to use a template, they can select one, and this will automatically apply the predefined image and color settings.


Additionally, users have other options available, such as adjusting redundancy levels and setting image formats.

  • Adjust redundancy 

Also known as the error correction level, it determines how much extra information is added to the QR code. This ensures that the QR code can be scanned even if parts of it are not visible. 

Note: If the template contains an image, the Adjust redundancy setting will automatically be set to the highest level.

  • Image format

Choose between a .png or .svg file format. 

Note: When choosing .png, the pixel size is that of the QR code. The final image will include an additional 10% for the background.

A live preview of the generated QR code is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen, providing users with an immediate visual representation.