We're excited to introduce several new features and improvements in Accutics Standardize that enhance data integrity, flexibility, and user experience. Highlights include field editing restriction, import settings when importing a custom file, and advanced referencing capabilities. 


New features:



Accutics Standardize


Restricting edit of specific fields in records

When editing records is enabled for a project, you can now selectively lock fields in records to prevent that any changes are made to their original values.           

Indeed, the new 'Allow edits after submission' setting determines whether the field should remain editable or completely locked after submission of the Create form. This ensures data integrity and security.

Note: The 'Allow edits after submission' is an input field setting enabled by default. Uncheck it to apply the editing restriction on the field.

When a user edits a record, locked fields will appear disabled and have a tooltip indicating so. Any attempt to modify these fields will trigger an error message. This can happen if the values become invalid due to conditions, dependencies, or if it's no longer available. For example, deleting a value, or if the value didn't exist at the time of record creation, or eligibility issues due to dependencies can trigger an error.

To resolve these, the edits must comply with the restrictions. If this is not possible, changes can be discarded, or the field needs to be adjusted through the project configuration. This requires a Project manager or Admin role.

Data selection and settings when importing a custom file

When importing a custom Excel file into the Bulk Create table, you can now specify the exact sheet and row to map to your project configuration. This makes it easier to import your data that also aligns with your project configuration. 

Alongside data selection, we've also introduced import settings and rules. 

These include: 

  • Date format: Adjust the date format to match your Date field settings.
  • Dataset options: Choose to import dataset options as either friendly values or abbreviations.
  • Import rules: Apply rules like changing letter case, adding prefixes or suffixes, and replacing characters to format your data exactly how you need it.

Referencing values within another reference

Now, you can use values from one reference within another reference, enabling more complex data relationships. This is particularly useful for projects involving data hierarchies, such as campaigns, ad groups, and ads.

Here's an example of how it could work: 

From the project configuration, you can create fields reflecting three activity types: Campaign, Ad group, and Ad (Ads belong to Ad groups, and Ad groups belong to Campaigns). Hence, when creating an Ad, specify an Ad group as a reference. Similarly, when creating an Ad group, specify a Campaign as a reference.


This helps you minimize duplicate work and provides comprehensive data access, letting you select values from nested references, even across multiple projects.

Allowlists / Denylists for dataset options

You can now create allowlists and denylists within the Dataset Manager to apply a subset of dataset options to a field. This ensures data consistency while allowing flexibility in dataset usage.

  • Creating Lists: You can create allowlists and denylists within the Dataset Manager. Simply add a list, configure which options are allowed or denied, and save it.

  • Applying Lists: Once created, apply your lists to fields where the dataset is in use from the field settings in the project configuration. Now, only the options specified or excluded in the list you applied are available for selection.

Learn more about Allowlists / Denylists here

'Used in' tab in Dataset manager

We added a new 'Used in' tab for local datasets, providing details about their usage within the project configuration.

This includes field name, field type, whether a dependency is applied, configuration section, and a direct link to the field in the project configuration.

Note: Configuration links are available to Manager or Admin roles only.

New casing rule - Start Case

Introducing a new casing rule - Start Case, which capitalizes the first letter of each word. 

Easily apply this rule when configuring datasets, text input fields, output rules, export rules, and import rules.


New sign-in interface

We revamped the sign-in experience for a more intuitive and unified authentication process. Whether you're using credentials, SSO, MFA, or handling expired sessions or password recovery, the process has been redesigned for clarity and consistency.

While functionalities stay the same, we've enhanced flows and rearranged elements. Key improvements include mandatory first name and last name fields during profile creation and enhanced password validation checks.

New Datasets page structure

We've reorganized the Datasets page into two sections: local datasets and shared datasets. 

All local datasets available for the project are listed at the top. Below that, you can find the shared datasets that are currently in use in the project configuration. 

In addition to this, we've introduced the ability to reorder local datasets. Shared dataset can be re-ordered only from the Account settings.