Learn how to bulk import values for Datasets by copying and pasting from your clipboard. 

When working with Datasets, you have the flexibility to bulk import options by either uploading an .xlsx template or using the copy-paste method. 

The copy-paste feature offers a quicker alternative when you need to add or update dataset options from an Excel sheet or another source. 


Understanding dataset options

In a dataset context, 'Options' can refer to: 

  • Dataset (value) options
    These are the combination of friendly value and abbreviated value, if present.

  • Dependency options.
    In dependencies, these are the (sub)set of dataset options that are also part of a dependency. 

Note on dataset options
A dataset option typically consists of a (friendly) value and an abbreviation. When both are present, the abbreviation acts as a key, however, both value and abbreviation need to be unique to be valid.

Example (click here)Option 1
(Friendly) value: Germany
Abbreviation: de

Option 2
(Friendly) value: Denmark
Abbreviation: dk

These are two different options and both are valid because they have unique friendly values and abbreviations. 

Implications for imports
Adding new options - Duplicate error
When adding new options, even if the abbreviations differ, using the same friendly value for multiple options is considered a duplicate error.

Example (click here)Option 1 (import file)
(Friendly) value: Germany
Abbreviation: de

Option 2 (import file)
(Friendly) value: Germany
Abbreviation: ger

This is a duplicate error due to conflicting friendly values. This could, for example, cause issues when importing records using the Accutics template in the Bulk create table. 

Updating an existing value
You can update existing options by keeping the same abbreviations and changing the friendly values when importing. The system recognizes the option by its abbreviations and updates the friendly values accordingly. 

Example (click here)Option (existing in Accutics)
(Friendly) value: Germany
Abbreviation: de

Option (import file)
(Friendly) value: Deutschland
Abbreviation: de

This will update the friendly value of the existing option from 'Germany' to 'Deutschland' without creating a new option.

Accessing the copy-paste import feature

To use the copy-paste import feature, navigate to the 'Dataset' tab in the Dataset manager:

  • In the 'Dataset options' section > 'Paste options'
  • Alternatively, in the 'Dataset options' sections > ... > 'Paste options'

Note: For Shared datasets, the copy-paste feature is only accessible from the Shared datasets page under Account settings. This requires an Admin user role. 

Import of options by pasting

Instead of manually inputting or editing value options, you can quickly paste data from your clipboard to the import modal.

Here's how: 

  1. Click 'Paste options'
    This opens a window where you can paste your values.

  2. Copy and paste
    1. Copy your data from the external source
    2. Paste it in the field in the modal

  3. Adjust the delimiter (if needed)
    If your dataset includes abbreviations, we'll automatically detect the delimiter and the corresponding friendly values and abbreviations based on it.

    You can adjust this delimiter by selecting a different one or setting a custom one.
  4. Review and import
    Click 'Review' to ensure the import values are correct, then confirm to proceed.

Modified options

When you apply rules to your dataset, we may automatically adjust certain options to comply with letter casing and character replacements.

During the review stage, you will have the option to toggle 'See modified options' to filter and view all the options that have been adjusted. This setting is disabled if no modifications were made. 

Avoiding import errors

To ensure a smooth import using the copy-paste method, use the following guidelines:


  • Use a consistent delimiter
    Avoid using multiple delimiters; stick to one throughout your data.

  • Copy only the necessary data
    Avoid copying extra columns that contain irrelevant data for the import. It should be 2 columns if the dataset uses abbreviations, and 1 column otherwise.

  • Respect the limit
    The maximum number of dataset options you can import is 15,000.