This article explains how to build a Create form based on your project taxonomy. 

Learn how to configure input fields so that you have control over what data to collect, how to apply conditions, and build dependencies. 



How to build a Create form

A taxonomy must be defined before creating Inputs and hence, a Create form.

The Create form is used to collect input data about a campaign from the user. Different types of input fields let you build a form based on your taxonomy and different settings let you customize it to ensure data consistency. 


As different platforms have different structures and terminologies, we use the term `record´ to refer to any element that is part of a campaign. E.g., ad, keyword, ad group, etc.

The first time you build the form, the workspace will be empty. However, as you start adding input fields, you will see a preview of the form on the left side. On the right panel, you will be able to configure each input field individually.

From the Home page, navigate to `Settings´ > `Configuration’ > `Start from scratch´. Then:


  1. Select and add input field types

There are several field types you can add to build a form and collect the information you need.


  1. Configure input fields

The configuration consists of settings and specifics to let you better define the requirements and format of the input data. Different field types may have different configurations.


  1. Apply conditions (advanced)

A condition in input fields lets you define in which cases certain settings should apply. 


  1. Save as a draft or publish


In this example, we’ll show you how to create a Create form based on a simple taxonomy. Where:

Click on the image to expand it

Details (click here)

The table shows an example of a simplified taxonomy composed of landing page URL, medium, source, country, campaign name, external or internal boolean, launch date. 

For each field, we also have information about:

  • Field name
  • Filed type
  • Field values
  • Settings
  • Dependencies
  • Conditions


  • `External´ is a boolean with values `external´ and `internal´(custom values feature)
  • The separator for multiselect should be `-´ (delimiter setting)
  • `Launch date´ is mandatory if `Source´ is `Paid social´ (condition)
  • Source values differ depending on the value of `Medium´ (dependency)

Step-by-step video:

1. Field types

Different types of input fields define different types of data to accept, and also the format of the field.

`Add field´ > Choose an input field type

Overview of the available field types:

Input field typeDescription
TextIt sets a field for entering a free text value.
Dropdown (single-select)It sets a dropdown list that allows the selection of a single option from a list of predefined values.
MultiselectIt sets a dropdown list that allows the selection of multiple options from a list of predefined values.
CheckboxIt sets a checkbox that allows the user to check or uncheck an option.
DateIt sets a calendar for the selection of a date or interval of dates.
URLIt sets a field for entering a URL address.
HeadlineIt sets a header with a description.
Reference*It sets a dropdown list that allows the selection of a single option from a list of output values (created records). 

* Note
From a user perspective, a Reference field doesn't look different from a normal dropdown input field. However, it differs significantly in how it's configured and how it works behind the scenes. 

As such, it is considered a special input field type and has a dedicated article. Learn more about the creation and use of a Reference field here

Tip: Input fields can be reordered by dragging and dropping. 

Click on the scroll icon > Reorder the input fields as needed > Click the checkmark icon to save

Learn more about each field type here

2. Configuring input fields

Once you added an input field, you can use the Field editor to configure it to your needs.

The Field editor provides an interface to let you better define how a field should work and the requirements for the data to be accepted.

From the design panel, click on an input field. This will open the Field editor.

The configuration of an input field varies depending on the input type. This is what you can generally do: 


  • Rename the field
  • Add a dataset (select fields only)
    • Include/Exclude dependencies
  • Enable and/or set specific features 
  • Define requirements


  • Add a description
  • Set advanced settings
  • Apply rules


  • Add conditions 
  • Build dependencies

General configuration

Field name

Click on the header (blue bar) to rename the field. 


Tip: The name should give an idea of the type of data you expect the user to input. Keep it short but descriptive.

Add dataset button

In select fields, this button lets you create or add a set of values known as Datasets. This is the list of options the users can select when using a Dropdown or Multiselect field in the Create form.

Note: Datasets can be classified as local or shared. Local datasets are created and used within a specific project. On the other hand, shared datasets can only be created by Admin users at an account level and are accessible across different projects when building the Create form.

'Add dataset' > Select an existing dataset to add or 'Create new'

Upon selection, the field will populate with the options from the chosen dataset. If you add a Shared dataset, a corresponding label will also appear by the field header.

Note: When creating or editing a dataset from the field, the Dataset manager will open. However, keep in mind that datasets and fields are different entities. All configurations within the Dataset manager pertain solely to the dataset. Only settings outside the Dataset manager are related to the field. 

If the dataset you add has dependencies, you'll also be prompted to apply the dependencies from the dataset to the field.

Note: If a dataset has multiple dependency variants, you'll have to select the specific one to apply to the field. 

You can always change the variant or decide to include/exclude dependencies altogether at any time.

Navigate to the field settings by clicking on the cog icon > Check/Uncheck 'Include dependencies'

Learn more about including dependencies here

Feature / Functionality checkbox

Some input fields have a checkbox that allows you to enable or set some further features. E.g., validation features in the URL field type. 


Other controls

In other cases, you may have some controls for defining more requirements. 

E.g., earliest selectable date in the Date field type.


Click on the settings icon to access the field settings. This includes additional attributes and formatting rules.


This is an optional field where you can add text that could be helpful for the user. 

Delimiter (Multiselect fields only)

It sets a custom delimiter used in between selections. The default delimiter is an underscore (_).

Use case
When downloading data from the platform, value options from Multiselect fields are separated by a delimiter (DSV). This setting lets you define a symbol of your choice to be used as the delimiter.


Here you can find further attributes you can apply to the field. Available settings are:

  • Set as visible
  • Set as required
  • Set as read-only
  • Set default value
  • Set date format
  • Remove query string parameters
  • Allow edits after submission
  • Use allowlist / denylist
  • Include dependencies

Note: For most settings, you can also assign them to conditions. This makes them case-specific settings.  

This is marked by a condition icon on the right.

Learn more about each setting and their use cases here.


For certain input fields, you can apply rules to define how the data should be formatted. 


Rules validate and ensure that the inputs conform to your data standards. 

To apply a rule to the input field, navigate to the `Settings´ fields  > Click `Add new rule´ > Select a rule

Available rules are:

  • Letter case
  • Limit character range
  • Limit number of selections
  • Replace characters
  • Set allowed characters


You want to make sure that all inputted data does not contain capital letters. You can do this by applying a letter case rule to the input field:


`Add new rule´ > `Letter case´ > `Lower case´

Learn more about rules here.

3. Conditions (advanced)

In input fields, Conditions are statements that define under which circumstances a setting is applied. In other words, a setting goes into effect only when the condition is fulfilled. 


To define a condition, navigate to the ´Conditions´ tab. Then:

  1. Select the setting to apply

Click `Add condition´ > Choose the action to be performed

Alternatively, choose an attribute from the settings and click on the conditions icon. 

  1. Define the condition
    1. scope

Define whether ALL the expressions have to be met for the validation to be performed, or if just ANY  is sufficient.

  1. parameter to be evaluated

Click `Add expression´ > `Input fields` > Select the parameter to be evaluated

  1. comparison expression

Select the comparison operator and value

The general logic is Set (this setting) WHEN/IF (this happens)

Note: For `Set default value', you'll also need to define a value to be returned.


Set a field visible AND mandatory WHEN the Source is Google Ads.

Up next: 

Create an Output