Learn more about what's new in the Accutics platform. In the past weeks, we've been focusing on Accutics Standardize and introduced a company-wide feature - Shared Dataset. We've also added other features to ease your day-to-day use. 


New features:


  • [Accutics Standardize] Company settings and Shared Datasets
  • [Accutics Standardize] Viewing Connectors linked to a Data Schema
  • [Accutics Standardize] Sorting by row status in Bulk Template
  • [Accutics platform] Export of Users

Accutics Standardize


Company settings and Shared Datasets

We introduced company-wide settings from where you'll be able to set features that can be inherited across different projects - the first being Shared Dataset. 

Note: Only users with an admin role can access Company settings. Please, reach out to us if you need to update your user role or add more admins.

A Shared Dataset is a list of field values that can be accessed and referenced in all projects within a company. 

Use case: If you have multiple projects where most of them, if not all, use the same set of field values.

A Shared Dataset is created from the Company Settings by defining values, dependencies, and rules. Once set, it can be inherited as a dropdown field when configuring Inputs in a project. 

Dependencies can be included or excluded from the inheritance.

Referencing means creating an instance synced to another element. Hence, any edits to the Dataset are updated in all projects where the dataset is used (exceptions apply). This allows you to overview and manage all instances from one place.

Learn more about Shared Datasets here.

Viewing Connectors linked to Data Schema

We introduced a new 'Linked connectors' view in Data Schema. This allows you to have an overview and quick access to the Connectors where the Data Schema is used. 

Navigate to the Data Schema page > Click on a Data Schema > Switch to the 'Linked connectors' tab

Here, you'll find a table listing all the Connectors where the selected Data Schema is used. A row corresponds to one Connector whereas the columns contain the name of the Connector, its type, last run, and a shortcut to it. 

Tip: The columns are sortable. Simply click on one of the column headers. 

Sorting by row status in Bulk Template

It is now possible to sort based on the status of rows in Bulk Template. This allows you to pin rows that require your attention. 

Different statuses can be:

  • Invalid. It means that one or more values are missing or cannot be accepted. 
  • Incomplete. 

To sort, simply click on the "status sorting" button at the top of the table. This will move the relevant rows to the top of the table.

By default, the button shows 'Invalid' with an indication of the affected rows. However, you can easily switch to 'Incomplete' by clicking the arrow icon on the right of the button. 

Please note that the sorting will remain active until you remove it by clicking the button again. 

Accutics platform


Export of Users

It's now possible to export a list of all Users with related information. 

Navigate to 'Settings' > 'Users' > Click the download icon on the top right of the Users table 

This will export a .xlsx file containing all the columns in the Users table, including both 'Active users' and 'Invited users'.