This article describes the settings and rules in Outputs. Learn more about what options are available, how they work, and best practices for their use. 

For some output fields, you may have settings to better define the format of the output or to adjust value settings inherited from input fields.

Settings are normally accessed from each value component. Whereas, rules can be found at each level and have their own separate tab. 

List of available settings

Available settings for input field values are:

  • Override settings (value form) from input field
  • Override delimiter from input field
  • Override date format from input field
  • Override custom/standard values from input field


  • Remove empty parameter
  • Remove delimiter for empty values

Override settings (value form) from input field

For dropdown input types, it lets you override the value form setting that was applied in Inputs.

Values can be displayed in two forms, as friendly values or as abbreviations.

  • A friendly value is the full form of value and hence, more user-friendly. E.g., Facebook. 
  • An abbreviation is the shortened form of a value. E.g., fb.

This is useful when used as part of tracking codes to avoid overly lengthy URLs.

Tip: Friendly values should be used whenever they need to be read by someone.

Override delimiter from input field

For a multiselect field, it lets you override the delimiter symbol setting that was applied in Inputs.

Override date format from input field

For the date input type, it lets you set a date format, regardless of the format set when configuring Inputs.

Override custom/standard values from input field

For the checkbox input type, it lets you set custom values, regardless of what was applied when configuring Inputs.

Remove empty parameter

When building an URL with Build URL, it lets your remove any parameter that does not return a value.

In some cases, you may have a query parameter without a value. This is reflected in the final output as an empty string. To avoid this, you can apply the `Remove empty parameter´ setting.

Example (click here)

Let's consider this case of conditional value in a parameter:

If the source is Google Ads:

If not (any other source):

You can notice that utm_launch is empty, making the tracking code longer without adding any information. You can now remove it by checking the box at the end of the parameters sequence. 

`Remove empty parameter´:

Remove delimiters for empty values

When building a string with a Join, it lets you remove the delimiters between an empty value.

In certain cases, you may have a Join sequence where one value is not set. This is reflected in the final output as two consecutive delimiters since the value is `empty´.


To avoid this, you can check the `Remove delimiters for empty values´ box. This will ensure that delimiters are set only between actual values.


Example (click here)


Given the output: brand_year_market_stage_campaign-name_network


Let's consider this case of conditional value in a name set:


If the brand is ABC: ABC_21_UKI_aw_prod-launch_adsense

If not (brand is not ABC): CBA_21__aw_prod-launch_adsense


You can notice that a value `Market´ in the second case is not set, hence, this results in two consecutive delimiters (__). You can now avoid this by checking the box at the end of the value sequence. 


`Remove delimiters for empty values´:  CBA_21_aw_prod-launch_adsense


List of available rules

  • Change case
  • Replace
  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • URL encodes

Rules can be applied at different levels:

Level 1: output field
Level 2: output value
Level 3. single value

Depending on the type, a rule at a higher level may override rules at lower levels. In other cases, the rule may be applied to a specific level without affecting other ones.

A letter case rule at the output level overrides the case rule applied at the single value components (if any).

On the other hand, a suffix rule at an output level would add a suffix to the end of the output, without affecting any suffixes added to single values. 


Change case

It lets you change the letter case.

Available cases: 

LowercaselowercaseAll letters in all words are lowercase. 
UppercaseUPPERCASEAll letters in all words are uppercase.
Sentence caseThis is a sentence case by AccuticsThe first letter and proper nouns are uppercase. The rest are lowercase. This is the typical prose case.
Start caseThis Is A SentenceThe first letter of each word is uppercase. 


It lets you find a target text and replace it with something else.


It lets you affix something at the beginning of the selected element.


It lets you affix something at the end of the selected element.

URL encodes

It converts a string into a valid URL format. This ensures that your URL is universally accepted by browsers and servers.