Learn how to activate your new profile, reset your password, and access your profile settings in Accutics. 



Profile activation

Access is granted by designated managers/admins in your company or the Accutics team.

Once granted access to Accutics, you will receive an invite email which is valid for 28 days. 


  1. Open the invitation email > Click on 'Join your team'

    You should be redirected to your profile activation page. 


  1. Fill in the form with your first and last name


  1. Create a password

        Password requirements:

  • 8 characters or longer
  • 1 capital letter
  • 1 special character
  • 1 digit

  1. Accept the Terms & Conditions > 'Get Started'

Haven't received any email? Make sure to check your spam folder or ask for the email to be resent.



Login and password reset

You can access the Accutics platform from the login page with your credentials.


In case you forgot your password:


  1. Click on 'Can't sign in?' on the login page
  2. Enter your profile email > Click 'Send request'


  1. Open your inbox and click the 'Reset password' button in the email
     It will take you to the password reset page.


  1. Enter a new password and reset
     Once done, you will be prompted to sign in with your new credentials. 


Alternatively, you can reset your password from your profile settings. See section here below. 

Note: Depending on the security settings of your company, your login may differ from the one described above. 

If MFA is enabled, you will also be requested an OTP on top of email and password. Learn more about how MFA works here

If you are required to SSO instead, you'll be provided with a SSO login URL. You'll also not have an Accutics password. 

Profile settings

You can find your profile settings by clicking on the user icon on the top right of the page. 


On the 'Profile' page, you have access to updating your information, including profile details and password.