Learn how to read the results of a validation run. This includes reading preliminary stats, navigating the Findings Table, and understanding errors. 

Preliminary stats

After your first successful validation run, you’ll see some preliminary stats in the Validation Rules Table and the

`History´ tab.


Health Score

The Health Score gives you a percentage indication of how many errors were found out of the total checks performed. You can also find this information by checking the history of runs. 


Click on the validation rule > Switch to the `History´ tab


Here, you can see a record of all the validation rules that were run and the number of errors out of the total number of checks for each run.



Errors refer to the total number of errors that were found during the validation run. You can see more detailed information about each error in the Findings Table. 



Findings Table

From the `Dashboard´ of the ad source, switch to `Findings´ to see the results of the validations.


The Findings Table contains detailed information about what did not comply with the validation rule(s) you set - errors.


Note: By findings we mean errors. Hence, if there are no errors, the Findings Table will be empty.


Error types

There are two types of errors, which reflect the level where the error lies:

  • Error: It indicates the number of errors found for the level you are currently viewing 
  • Underlying error: It indicates all the errors found at the levels beneath the level you are currently viewing

Tip: Click on the number of underlying errors to see a breakdown of the errors per level for that specific item. 

Proceed to select one of the levels to be redirected to the corresponding tab. This will also select the item you navigated from as a filter. 

Errors can have two statuses based on whether they have been handled or not:

  • `Unresolved´: Errors that have not been handled yet and need action from your side
  • `Resolved´:  Errors that have either been handled by being corrected (Completed) or discarded (Ignored)


Note: By default, the table shows unresolved errors only so that you know what requires your attention.
This view can be changed by clicking on the dropdown item labeled ´Show unresolved´.

Other views include:
· All
· Completed
· Ignored




The table structure is based on tabs, which reflect the structure of the platforms you are connected to. This means that the structure of the table changes depending on the source you chose.


For Google Ads, the structure would be Account > Campaign > Ad group > Ad

For DV360, the structure would be Advertiser > Campaign > Insertion order > Line item > Creative


The rows of the table show the elements containing errors for the level you are viewing, whereas the columns show information for the element. That is name, ID, errors, underlying errors, error type, and error names. 


The Findings Table summarizes the errors for the whole source. If you wish to view the errors for specific validation rules, accounts, etc., you need to use filters. 




When not all errors are relevant to you, you can use the various filtering options to narrow down the data displayed.  


Any active filter will appear on top of the table. You can remove any of them by clicking on the `X´ on the side of the filter or you can reset all of them by clicking `Reset filters´.


Conditional filtering - `Add filter´ button

This lets you filter based on an expression.


Click on the `Add filter´ button, then:

  1. Select the parameter you want to evaluate
  2. Choose an operator
  3. Input the desired value


Single selection filter - In-line icon

This lets you select and filter for one item, including all the elements in the levels underneath it.   

You can either: 

  1. Hover on the item you want to select
  2. Click on the filter icon

Checkboxes – Multi-selection filter

This lets you select multiple items to filter for. 


Check the boxes of the items you want to select

Click on the ´Add a filter on (n) selected´ beside the ´Add filter´ button, on top of the table.


Use case: If you have multiple accounts for your source, not all errors in the source will be relevant to you or require your attention at that moment.

If you want to focus on one account only, you can select a single account and filter everything else out.

Or if you only want to focus on the campaigns for the German market, you may want to filter based on a specific expression.

· Parameter of evaluation: Campaign name
· Operator: Contains
· Value: DE (the country code for Germany)


It is possible to export a specific tab or the whole Findings table as an Excel file.

To export the whole table, click the 'Export all' button on the top right of the table

This will download all the tabs of the table and return them as different sheets in a .xlsx file. 

To download a specific tab, navigate to the tab and click the download icon beside the search field.

Up next:  

Handle errors