Learn about users settings and what user roles are available for both Accutics Standardize and Accutics Validate. 

Note: Depending on your user role, you may have partial access to view and invite users or no access at all. Only Admin users have full access to view, invite and manage users. 

User settings

If you have access to view and/or manage other users, you can do so from the Project settings.


From the side navigation bar > Click on 'Settings' > 'Users'

Here you have a table listing all active users and invited users. For each user, you also have information about: 

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Company email 
  • Role in the platform
  • (User Attributes)

For Accutics Standardize, the table also includes any extra attributes field that was set up. 

Tip: Click the download icon to export the Users table as an excel sheet. 

Managing users

Inviting a user

To add a user, click the 'Invite user' button on the top right:


  1. Fill in the User Invite form

Simply input the email of the new user to add. 

For Accutics Standardize, you may also have extra fields from User Attributes.


  1. Choose a role

Select an available role. 

Please, reach out to us if you need to add an Admin, this cannot be done from the platform. 

  1. Click 'Invite'

The user should have received an invitation email to join your team in Accutics. 


Invited users will be listed under the tab 'Invited users' until they have accepted the invitation and created a profile. At that point, they will be listed under 'Active users'.

Editing and deleting a user (Admins only)

To edit user information, click on the meatballs menu (...) of the corresponding user > 'Edit'


To delete a user, click on the meatballs menu > 'Delete' > 'Proceed with deletion'

User roles

Note: Admins cannot be added from the platform. Please, reach out to us if you need to upgrade your user role or add any Admin.

Accutics Validate

  • Admin

Admins have full access to all sections, features, etc. 

Only an Admin can access the billing page and manage (add, view, edit) users.


  • Editor

Editors are in charge of managing sources and validation rules.  
An Editor can add, edit and delete both sources and validation rules. An Editor also has read-only access to the Users page. 


  • Viewer

Viewers mostly work with findings. 

A Viewer can navigate the sources, view validation rules and update findings after resolving errors. However, editing and access to other features is limited. E.g., cannot edit validation rules and access users settings. 

Note: All user roles can view findings and handle errors.



Accutics Standardize

  • Admin

Admins have full access to all sections, features, etc. 

Only an Admin can set account-wide features and manage (add, view, edit) users.


  • Project manager

Project managers are in charge of setting up and managing the project.

A Project manager has access to the project configuration, records and Datasets management, data connectors, and to view and invite users.


  • Editor

Editors mostly work with records.

An Editor can manage records and Datasets. 


  • Contributor

Contributors mostly work with records.

A Contributor can create, edit and view records only. No ability to edit Datasets and share Presets. 

NoteAll user roles can manage records (create, edit, and view). This includes access to use Presets (except sharing), Bulk create, Drafts, and Submissions.