In this release, we're introducing notifications for failed Connector runs and various improvements. Looking ahead, we're actively developing major features related to referencing, datasets, and dependencies - set to be released at the end of the year. 


New features:

  • [Accutics Standardize] Notifications on failed Connector runs


  • [Accutics Standardize] Performance and UI improvements

Next up

  • [Accutics Standardize] Cross-project referencing
  • [Accutics Standardize] Datasets and Dependencies manager

Accutics Standardize


Notifications on failed Connector runs

Notifications in Connectors provide automatic email alerts when a data export from Accutics fails, ensuring that the relevant stakeholders are notified timely. 

To set up Notifications, navigate to 'Connectors' > open a Connector > Switch to the 'Notifications' tab 

Here, simply add recipients by selecting project members. The email includes information about the Connector, the date and time of the failure, and a redirect link to it. 

Note: Only manager and admin users can set up and access Notifications. If you don't have access and want to stop receiving notification emails, reach out to a project member with access or our support team. 

Learn more about setting up Notifications here


Performance and UI improvements

We have significantly improved the performance of the Records table, making it more responsive and reducing loading time. For example, when opening the page or applying filters. 


Additionally, you may also notice several small visual changes as we made some UI improvements across the platform. This includes icons, buttons, text, etc. 

Next up

In the past weeks, we've also been working on features that are expected to have a significant impact on existing functionalities. Due to the complexity of these new features, their development requires some more time. Nevertheless, we are excited to share that you can anticipate their release soon, around the end of the year. 

Here is a glimpse of what's coming: 

  • Cross-project referencing

This feature will allow you to reference outputs from other projects under the same account when setting up Reference field.

  • Datasets and dependencies manager

You can expect a more intuitive and advanced interface for working with data in select fields and dependencies.