In recent weeks, we've been working on improving your data management experience. We've introduced update information for records, automatic transformation of imported values, and deletion checks across projects and services. Additionally, you can enjoy faster record creation with improved performance.


New features:


  • [Accutics Standardize] Exporting datasets with dependencies in Connectors
  • [Accutics Standardize] 'Updated by' and 'Updated at' details in Records
  • [Accutics Standardize] Records metadata based on user locale when exporting the Records table
  • [Accutics Standardize] Automatic transformation of imported values based on field or dataset rules
  • [Accutics Standardize] Deletion checks across projects and services


  • [Accutics Standardize] Record creation performance - Improved

Accutics Standardize


Exporting datasets with dependencies in Connectors

It's now possible to choose a data source other than a Data schema in Connectors. You can attach a dataset and include its dependencies when extracting data from Accutics.

When setting up a Connector, you have the option to choose a data source between Data schemas and Datasets (both local and shared). If the dataset has dependencies set, you can also select them and choose which exact dependency variant to include. 

Note: This is not available for Adobe Analytics Connectors.

'Updated by' and 'Updated at' details for Records

Get an overview of record changes with information about who last updated a record and when. 


You can see this from both the Records table and Records details. 

Tip: Information about the last update in the Records table can be used for sorting and is also included in the export of it.

Records metadata based on user locale when exporting the Records table

Metadata in records, such as creation and update information, is now automatically formatted based on the user's locale when exporting records. This ensures clarity when interpreting data in different countries with different date formats. 

Automatic transformation of imported values based on field or dataset rules

When importing dataset options or values into text fields in Bulk create, values are now automatically transformed to comply with letter casing and replacement characters rules. This enhances data consistency.

When importing dataset options, values will automatically be transformed upon import. You can view the number of modifications made and download a file listing the original values and the transformed ones before finalizing. 

When importing using a template, automatic transformations apply to text fields. After import, you'll be prompted with a snack bar with the rows where the transformations happened. 

Replace pattern(RegEx)

Additionally, we revisited our character replacing rule, improving it and introducing a regex replacement rule. This allows for more flexibility and advanced capabilities by allowing you to replace based on patterns instead of specific characters.

Deletion checks across projects and services

You can now work with more confidence as deletion checks prevent you from accidentally deleting items that are used elsewhere, across projects and services, which you may not be aware of. 

They apply to input fields, unique IDs, variables, and outputs in references, Connectors, and validation rules in Accutics Validate. This ensures data integrity and contributes to a more stable platform. 


Record creation performance

Alongside the significant performance improvement introduced in the last release when working in the Bulk create table, we've also made improvements to enhance the process after submitting records to the platform. As a result, it's now faster to create records, whether in bulk or individually.