Learn how to recover your profile by resetting your password or updating it from your profile settings. 

Resetting your password

  1. From the login page, click 'Can't sign in?'

  1. Enter your email > Click 'Send request'
    Wait for the password reset email to arrive in your inbox.

  1. Check your inbox, click the button from the email you received
    It will direct you to the password reset page.


  1. Set a new password and proceed with 'Reset password'
    Once done, you will be prompted to sign in with your new credentials. 


Note: If you are required to sign in using SSO, you'll be provided with an SSO login URL from where you need to sign using credentials provided by your company.

Changing your Password

You can update your password from the profile settings.

Click on the user icon or your profile picture on the top navigation bar > 'Profile settings' > 'Password'

Hence, fill in the form and update your password by clicking 'Change password'