As the platform continues to evolve, we're saying goodbye to the term 'campaign'. This change reflects our commitment to providing you with an advanced data governance platform tailored to your needs. In this vein, we also introduced new features for improved collaboration, large datasets management, and overall user experience.  





Accutics Standardize


Renaming of 'Campaign'

As the platform evolves to cater a wider range of purposes beyond its initial focus on tracking codes, we're retiring the term 'Campaign'. 

You're no longer creating 'campaigns'. Instead, you have the flexibility to generate various outputs, such as tracking URLs, name sets, unique codes, or anything else that suits your needs. While we may refer to all of these as 'Records', it is important to note that 'Record' is not a replacement, rather, it serves as a term for common reference. 

 With this name change, you can also expect some adjustments in the platform's UI. For example:

  • 'Dashboard' is now 'Home'
  • 'Campaigns' is now 'Overview'

This extends to the Knowledge base, where you'll also see the following changes:

  • 'Bulk template' is now 'Bulk create table'
  • 'Campaign form' is now 'Create form'
  • 'Campaigns table' is now 'Records table'

We hope these changes will make your experience more intuitive and aligned to the broader capabilities of the platform. 

Custom templates for importing files

Building on the previous beta version, you can now create and share custom mappings as templates. This allows you to create mappings that match your internal files or files from third party system, and then import them into Accutics with ease by applying a template. 

Templates are meant to simplify the import process through reusability but also enhance collaboration as they are shared with all project members, who can access, edit and delete them. 

You can access the import feature, including templates, via the following options:

  • 'Import' from the navigation bar
  • 'Import' from the Bulk create table
  • 'Upload template' from the Create form

Importing using a new template

From the import modal:

  1. Upload a file

'Create new' > Choose an .xlsx file

Initially, only the Standardize template is available. To create a new template, you'll need to upload a file to use as base for the mapping first.

  1. Custom mapping

Match the column titles in your file to the fields in the project. 

  1. Import

'Import' > Name the template or not > 'Save and import'

Importing using an existing template

From the import modal:

  1. Select a template to apply

Click on the dropdown to choose an existing template.

  1. Upload a file

'Import' > Choose the .xlsx file you wish to import

  1. Import

Review the template's mapping > 'Import'

Learn more about importing a file with templates here.

Export of datasets from the Bulk create table

You can now export datasets directly from the Bulk create table and Create form. This provides quick access to datasets and their options while working. E.g., when you need to refer to dataset options for correcting errors in the Bulk create table. 

To export datasets: 

  • From the Bulk create table, click 'Download' > 'Export datasets'
  • From the Create form, click on 'datasets' in the card on the side

Of course, you can still download datasets from the Datasets page or individually from the more menu of each dataset.

Viewing and editing options in large datasets

We've improved your experience with large datasets, allowing you to view datasets with 15,000 or more options comfortably. We also introduced an editing mode, where you can add, edit, delete, and restore options before finalizing a dataset. 

Note: The term 'Options' encompasses both value options in datasets or dependency options in dependencies. In datasets, it represents the combination of friendly value and abbreviated value, if present.

Managing options

  • Adding

Click 'Add option' to create a new one. Newly added options are placed at the bottom of the list and marked with a 'New' label. To view an option you just added, you can click on 'Go to bottom' from the confirmation snackbar.

  • Editing

Click on an option to edit it. To save the edit, you can either click on the checkmark (✓) or press Enter. 

  • Deleting

Click on the trash icon on the right to delete an option. If you delete an existing option, it will be highlighted in red, giving you the chance to restore it before publishing the changes.  

  • Restoring

For existing options, you have the possibility to restore them after you edited or deleted them. Hover over the restore icon to see which values will be restored. The pipeline character (|) separates friendly value from abbreviations.

Note: Restoring is available only for existing options. Newly added options are deleted immediately and their changes cannot be reversed. 


To maintain data consistency, it is essential to save changes and publish them at once. This means that all changes you make will be updated across the project immediately when you publish.

Export of selection in Records table

Previously, you could download all records visible on the Records table. Now, you have the possibility to download only the records you have selected.

Select multiple rows > click the export icon that appears on the top left of the table

Expanded project description tile in Home

In the Home page, you now have the ability to expand the project description tile.

Hover on the tile > click the expand icon in the top right corner 


Removal of whitespaces when importing options

When importing options into Accutics by uploading an .xlsx file, we now automatically remove any 'blank' space from values.

This includes:

  • Removing all leading and trailing white spaces
  • Removing all new lines

This cleaning process applies to both values and abbreviations when importing options from an .xlsx file to a dataset, shared dataset, or into the Bulk create table.