In this release, our main focus was enhancing the capabilities of our bulk feature. We introduced several features, such as the ability to import custom files, a keyboard shortcut for selecting multiple rows, and the retention of invalid values from uploaded files. Additionally, we also made some other improvements along the way. 


New features:


  • [Accutics Standardize] Import and mapping of a custom file (Beta) in Bulk template
  • [Accutics Standardize] Retention of invalid values on import in Bulk template
  • [Accutics Standardize] Multi-selection of rows with Shift-click in Bulk template
  • [Accutics Standardize] QR codes as .svg vectors


  • [Accutics Standardize] Export of a single campaign

Accutics Standardize


Import and mapping of a custom file (Beta)

We introduced a new feature that allows you to import custom files into Accutics. These can be internal template or files from external systems. Now, you can continue your work within Bulk template while simultaneously performing validations on it. 

Here's how it works: 

  1. Upload file

The file must be an .xlsx, with all cells formatted as text. 

  1. Custom mapping

In this step, you match the column titles from your file to the input fields of the project. 

  1. Import

After finalizing the import, the file data will undergo validation and populate the Bulk template.

Learn more about how to import a map a custom file here.

Retention of invalid values on import

Previously, invalid values would be cleared upon import. Now, we've improved the import process by retaining them. 

Invalid values are retained and displayed with a warning. This allows you to correct the errors without having to refer back to the original file. 


Multi-selection of rows with Shift-click

To facilitate the selection of multiple rows in Bulk template, we added a keyboard shortcut - Shift-click. 

When paired with with the 'Modify selection' feature, this shortcut allows you to select and perform bulk edits with ease. 

Hold down Shift and click on a checkbox to select multiple rows at once

Below, you'll find some examples to illustrate various use cases.

Examples (click here)

Selecting all rows from the top

  1. Ensure that no checkboxes are preselected
  2. While holding down Shift, click on checkbox 6

This will select all the rows from the top down to row 6. 

Selecting a range

  1. Preselect checkbox 2
  2. While holding down Shift, click on checkbox 7

This will select a range of rows, in this case, from row 2 to row 7. 

Deselecting a range

It is also possible to deselect multiple rows that are selected. 

Assuming there is already a range of rows selected:

  1. Deselect and select checkbox 8 (this defines row 7 as the starting point)
  2. While holding down Shift, click on checkbox 2
  3. While still holding down Shift, click on checkbox 8

This will deselect a range of rows, in this case, from row 2 to row 7. 

QR codes as .svg vectors

Now, you have to option to download QR codes in either .png or .svg format. 

SVG is a vector format that allows for scaling of the QR code without loss of resolution, which can be useful for printing purposes and other applications. 


Export of a single campaign

We've extended the export feature to single campaigns. Single campaigns can be exported when just created or from the details panel. 

After publishing a campaign, click 'Export (.xlsx)' on the bottom left of the creation modal

Alternatively, from the Campaigns table, click on a campaign > click 'Export'