Learn how to combine multiple singles values using Join or Build URL.  

Unless your output is made of a single value, you most likely will need to combine multiple values when building the output value. There are two options available to do this:

  • Join

Concatenates a series of value components using a separator.

E.g., company_year_brand_market_campaign

  • Build URL 

Combines a base URL with parameters using industry notations.  

E.g., https://example.com?key1=value1&key2=value2


Selecting Join lets you combine different value components separated by a symbol of your choice. Indeed, the final output is a string composed of the different values separated by the delimiter. 


  • Delimiter
  • Sequence
  • Remove delimiters for empty values


Remove delimiters for empty values

In certain cases, you may have a Join sequence where one value is not set. This is reflected in the final output as two consecutive delimiters since the value is `empty´.


To avoid this, you can check the `Remove delimiters for empty values´ box. This will ensure that delimiters are set only between actual values.


Example with empty values (click here)


Given the output: brand_year_market_stage_campaign-name_network


Let's consider this case of conditional value in a name set:


If the brand is ABC: ABC_21_UKI_aw_prod-launch_adsense

If not (brand is not ABC): CBA_21__aw_prod-launch_adsense


You can notice that a value `Market´ in the second case is not set, hence, this results in two consecutive delimiters (__). You can now avoid this by checking the box at the end of the value sequence. 


`Remove delimiters for empty values´:  CBA_21_aw_prod-launch_adsense

Use case: Name set.

Name sets are used to name marketing activities in ad platforms (e.g. DV360, Facebook, and Google Ads). For consistent tracking, name sets also must be consistent. 


Example - Name set

In this example, we built an output that generates name sets. Where the delimiter is an underscore (_) and the value sequence is composed of:

  • Company abbreviation - Static value
  • Year - Single input field
  • Market - Single input field
  • Stage - Single input filed
  • Campaign name - Single input field
  • Network - Single input field

The final output would look something like: 



Build URL

Selecting a Build URL lets you combine different value components to create a string formatted as a tracking URL. Indeed, its structure consists of a base URL, which normally is a single input value – URL, followed by a sequence of parameters. 


Tip: You can include as many tracking parameters as desired.


The configuration consists in selecting what should be used as a base URL and configuring the parameters. 

Note: The name of the parameter corresponds to the parameter key in the final URL

The final output is a string composed of the different value components, formatted according to industry standards for tracking URLs - aligned with Adobe Analytics and/or Google Analytics (360). 



  • ? marks the start of the query string
  • & divides the parameters
  • = defines the parameter value



  • Base URL
  • Parameters sequence builder
  • Remove empty parameter

Remove empty parameter

In some cases, you may have a query parameter without a value. This is reflected in the final output as an empty string. To avoid this, you can apply the `Remove empty parameter´ setting.

Example with empty parameter (click here)

Let's consider this case of conditional value in a parameter:

If the source is Google Ads: https://example.com?utm_source=google-ads&utm_launch=31/10-2022&clid=123abc

If not (any other source): https://example.com?utm_source=google-ads&utm_launch=&clid=123abc

You can notice that utm_launch is empty, making the tracking code longer without adding any information. You can now remove it by checking the box at the end of the parameters sequence. 

`Remove empty parameter´: https://example.com?utm_source=google-ads&clid=123abc

Use case: Tracking codes.

Accutics Standardize can output tracking codes aligned with Adobe Analytics and/or Google Analytics (360). The service can also output URLs with an ID instead of traditional parameter variables.


Example - Tracking URL

In this example, we built a simplified tracking code. Where the base URL is an URL input field and the parameter sequence is composed of:

  • Medium - Single input field
  • Source - Single input field
  • Clid - Unique ID

The final output would look something like: 

