Learn how to connect Accutics Standardize to your data warehouse or analytics tool using (Data) Connectors. 


A Connector integrates Accutics Standardize with third-party tools to automatically export datasets or records metadata and classify them in your analytics platform. Connectors are built using platform-specific APIs.

Note: The access granted to Accutics Standardize only allows for data import/enrichment and no data can be pulled or altered in the third-party tool by the use of this integration.

How to integrate Accutics Standardize

Start exporting records data to your data warehouse or analytics tool with a Connector. 


Once you add a Connector, its configuration consists of establishing the connection, defining the content, and setting the frequency of the exports. After the setup, the Connector will start to automatically run at the defined intervals.


Running a Connector means to generate and export a report with records data to the connection destination. The report's content varies based on the type of data source attached to the Connector and the export settings you apply. 

Note: Data sources can be either Dataset (both local and shared) and Data schemas with exception of Adobe Analytics Connector types, where only Data schemas can be used.

A Data schema specifies which pieces of data (fields) are included in the exported reports. Hence, the columns contain the fields, while each row corresponds to a record based on the status, date, and other conditions you applied.

To create a Connector, click 'Connectors' under 'Setup' on the navigation bar. Then:

  1. Add and select a Connector

We currently support a direct connection to Adobe Analytics and Amazon Web Services.


  1. Set up the Connector
  1. Establish a connection 

Provide your credentials and other details to the third-party tool.


  1. Add a data source
    A data source can be either a Dataset (both local or shared) or a Data schema with exception of Adobe Analytics Connectors.

  1. Apply export settings (advanced)

This lets you include/exclude records in the exports based on their status, date, and other advanced conditional filters.

  1. Define the frequency of the runs
    This determines at what intervals the exports should happen.

  1. Save


Creation of an Adobe Analytics Connector with advanced export settings. 

1. Available Connectors

From the Connectors page, click 'Add connector' > Choose a target

Platform-specific Connectors:

  • Adobe Analytics
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
  • Microsoft Azure Blob


  • (S)FTP Connector
  • Email Connector

Any other tool that we do not directly connect to, can be included by utilizing a generic (S)FTP gateway - (Secure) File Transfer Protocol connector.

The email connector, on the other hand, allows you to export record data to email recipients.


2. Configuring a Connector – Setup

Once you choose a Connector, the `Setup´ page will open.   


You can start configuring your Connector by naming it and then, filling out the setup sections:

  • Connection. Here, you need to provide your credentials to the third-party tool to connect to.

  • Export. Here, you can select the data to be exported and define export settings.

    Depedending on the source type, either a Dataset or Data schema, you'll have different settings available.

    A Data schema specifies what type of data (columns) should be included for each record in the reports. For it, you can define what records (rows) should be included/excluded in the exports based on record state, advanced conditions, and date.

    A Dataset allows you to export dataset options and include specific dependency variants, if present. 

  • Frequency. Here, you define how often the Connector should run (frequency) and attach a Data schema.

2.1 Connection

First, we need to establish a connection to the third-party tool using your authentication details. 

To do so, you’ll need to provide: 

  • The destination server where Accutics Standardize should send the exports to. 
  • Your credentials to the tool you are connecting to. 

Usually, the credentials needed are username and password.

Adobe Analytics
For Adobe Analytics, the destination server corresponds to a Report Suite.

The host field is a domain. If you do not provide one, Accutics Standardize will apply the default host ftp3.omniture.com

FTP connector
For the generic (S)FTP connector, you have the option to define a path on the server and also name the file with specific values by using macros. By default, Accutics Standardize generates a unique value for each file.

Hover on the `File path´ tooltip to see a list of available macros.

You can enable SFTP to add Secure Shell (SSH) security components to your data transfer. Note that this setting is recommended but not supported for all FTP servers.

• SSH key authentication
You can also authenticate your STFP connector using an SSH key. This allows for a secure connection for exporting data from Accutics without relying on individual users to have direct access to the server. Here's how:

  1. Enable 'Use SSH key instead of password'.
  2. Download the public key generated and import it to your SFTP server.
  3. Fill in the remaining fields in the Connection section and validate.


Email connector
For an email connector, the Connection part compromises of defining (1) the subject of the mail and (2) the recipients of the exports. 

AWS connector
For an AWS connector, the Connection part compromises of defining (1) access key, (2) secret key, (3) bucket name, and (4) region. 

Hover on the ? to view extra information about each field. 

GCS connector
For a GCS connector, the Connection part compromises of (1) authenticating with your Google account and (2) defining a bucket name. 

Microsoft Azure Blob
For an Azure Blob Storage connector, the Connection section compromises of defining (1) storage account name, (2) container name, and (3) SAS token. 

Hover on the ? to view extra information about each field. 

When completed, you’ll be able to validate the connection.

Click the 'Validate' button that will appear on the side. The validation takes a few seconds and will prompt you whether the connection was successfully established or not.

2.2 Export

Once a connection is set up, you can define the content of the exports.

Data source

With exception of Adobe Analytics Connector types, this section lets you attach a Dataset (both local or shared) or a Data schema.

To attach a data source, click 'Add data source' > Select an option

  • A Dataset corresponds to the datasets found on the Datasets page. 

  • A Data schema specifies which pieces of data (fields) need to be exported at each run. Each field appears as a column in the export report. 

Tip: If you haven't preconfigure any Data schema to attach, you can create a new one while configuring the Connector. 

Click 'Add data source' > 'Create a new data schema' > Configure the Data schema > 'Save'

Note: Both Dataset and Data schemas can be used in multiple places. E.g., a data schema can be attached to multiple Connectors. Therefore, any change made to them is reflected in all the instances where they are used.

Learn more about Data schema here

Export settings (Dataset)

For a dataset, this section lets you include dependencies, if present.

To include dependencies, select 'Dependencies' > Select a specific dependency variant

Export settings (Data schema)

For a dataset schema, this section lets you refine which records (rows) to include in the exported reports. Specifically, you can filter your records by status, date, and advanced conditions. 

Status filter

Status filters include 'Active' and 'Archived'. You can select one or both options. 

Override default date range

Checking the box 'Include historical data' lets you override the default date selection for the exports and apply a custom one. 

The default date range depends on the interval you set and it includes only newly created records between runs. The 'Include historical data' feature lets you expand the date range to include older records as well.

Default date range
If you set a daily interval at 8 am, it means that each export only includes records created in a 24-hour interval - between 8 am of the previous day and 7.59 am of the day after, when the Connector runs.

Custom date range
A custom date range overrides the default one. This could be a relative date range, e.g., including records from 2, 10, or 30 days before the run, or an absolute date range, e.g, YTD, from Jan 1 of the current year

Now, you configure the date range to better fit your needs with the following options:

  • Yesterday. It includes only records from a day (24 hours) before the run (mostly used for daily intervals).
  • X days (ago). It includes records from n days before the run.
  • A year.
  • YTD (Year To Date). From Jan 1 of the current year to the current run. 
  • All time. 
  • Set date. Specific absolute starting date.
  • Custom time. It lets you customize a date range down to minutes.  

Note: The dates are relative to the export runs and not to the date you set up the Connector.

E.g., '30 days' means all records created within the 30 days before the Connector run. 


Interval: Weekly, on Mondays at 8 am.

Default range: 7 days - between 8 am of the previous Monday to 7.59 am of the Monday after.

Custom settings: Start from 14 days (ago).

Custom range: 14 days - between 8 am of two Mondays prior (week 1) to 7.59 am of two Mondays after (week 3).

Detailed version (click here)

Let's consider these interval settings: 

Interval: weekly - Monday, 8 am.

Connectors automatically export all new records, created between one run and another. In this specific case, the default date range would be of 7 days, from the previous Monday at 8 am to Monday at 7.59 am of the week after.

You can override this by defining your custom date range to include more data. 

Let's say you want the runs to still happen weekly, every Monday at 8 am but each run should include records for the past two weeks. Hence:

Include historical data: checked

Start from selected time: Custom time - 14 days (ago).

Conditional filter

The conditional filter lets you define advanced requirements that need to be fulfilled for the record to be included in the exports. This is built using a conditional module. 

To define an advanced condition:

  1. Choose the scope

            Define whether ALL or if just ANY condition must be met.

  1. Select the parameter to be evaluated

Click 'Add expression' > 'Input/Output fields' > Select the parameter to be evaluated.

  1. Define the comparison expression

Select the comparison operator and value.

Tip: Within the condition module, you can also create multiple sub-conditions and combine them into groups. Groups can also be nested within other groups and have their own scope.

Custom file name

Finally, this section lets you set a custom name for the file that the Connector exports. 

Tip: You can include specific values in the name by using macros. Hover on the tooltip to see available ones.

Example - Export settings

The export of this Connector includes all records created since May 1, 2023, that are active and have Facebook as source.

2.3 Schedule 

This section lets you schedule the interval of the runs. 

  • Hourly. Define the start time and the hourly interval.
  • Daily. Define at what time it should run every day. 
  • Weekly. Define which days of the week and the time of the runs.

If needed, you can adjust the time zone of the Connector. However, please note that this will affect all users.

Click on the globe icon > selecting a time zone. 

Tip: Hover over the globe icon to preview the time zone applied to the runs.

Note on default date range
The runs automatically export only newly created records based on the frequency you set.

E.g., If you set a daily interval at 8 am. It means that each export only includes records created in the 24-hours interval, between 8 am of the previous day and 7.59 am of the day after.  

If you need a wider range that includes older records, you'll need to configure a custom one from the Export section.

That's it!

Congratulations on making it so far. This concludes the series of articles explaining how to configure and set up Accutics Standardize. If you missed any of them, check here:

  1. Build the Create Form - Inputs
  2. Create an Output
  3. Create User Attributes