Learn about how to read, navigate, and manipulate the Records table.

After creating a record(s), you'll be redirected to the Overview page. Here, you will find (1) a detailed records history in the form of a table and (2) a graph plotting the number of records created in the past period.  

Alternatively, navigate to it by clicking on `Overview´ from the navigation bar under `Project´

Structure of the Records table

The Records table lists all created records with detailed information about each. Multiple records created with Bulk create table can also be viewed as submissions.

The table is divided into two tabs:

  • All records. It lists all records created. 

Tip: Toggle the 'My work' switch to view only the records you created. 

  • Submissions. It lists the submissions created with Bulk create table. 

A submission is a set of multiple records that were bulk-created using Bulk create table. This allows you to group and label specific sets of records. 


Use case: A user bulk creates records for Halloween 2022 and submits it as `Halloween´. The next year, this submission can simply be cloned and adjusted for Halloween 2023.

Each row lists a record or submission, whereas the columns show pieces of information relative to it. 

For records, the columns include information about outputs, input data from the Create form, and other metadata.

• Hovering on a truncated value displays its full form. 

• Clicking on a piece of information (that is not an Output) opens a side panel containing all information about the specific record.

• Clicking on an Output value automatically copies it to the clipboard. 

On the other hand, the columns in 'Submissions' include information like name of the submission, name of the last user who edited the submission, number of records included, date of the last update, and date of creation.

Table Controls - Records

Filtering (rows/records)

When not all records are relevant to you, you can use filtering to narrow down the data displayed.  

Conditional filtering

This works based on an expression. Hence, click on the `Add filter´ button, then:

  1. Select the parameter you want to evaluate
  2. Choose an operator
  3. Input the desired value

Any active filter will appear on top of the table. You can remove any of them by clicking on the X on the side of the filter or you can reset all of them by clicking `Clear all´.

Filters are persisted across page loads and also when you log out and log in again. 

Date selection

The date picker on the top right lets you select a period of interest - this refers to the date of creation of the records.

You can either set a predefined period or a custom one.

Managing metadata (columns/fields)

Include/exclude fields

The toggle icon on the top right of the records tabs lets you reorder, and include/exclude fields (columns) displayed.


  • Drag and drop the fields from the left-hand side to reorder them.
  • Check and uncheck the fields to include and exclude them. 

Finally, apply the changes. 


Clicking on the column header of the table lets you sort based on the column.

Record operations

The meatballs menu (…) on the right side of each record lets you access a few operations.

  • `Archive´ - it moves the record to the archived view. 

You can view archived records and unarchive them by switching the 'Show archived' toggle.

  • `Clone´ - it clones the record and opens it in the Create form.

That is, the data is copied and pre-filled in a Create form in edit mode. 

  • `View´ - it opens a side panel containing detailed information about the record. 

This includes output(s), inputs, and metadata.

  • `Edit´ - if you have access to do so, it opens a side panel to let you edit the created record.

Multi-selection of records

The checkboxes on the left side of the table let you select all or multiple records. Once you've selected at least one record, two buttons will appear:

  • 'Edit' opens the records with the Bulk create table in edit mode. 
  • 'Clone' opens the Bulk create table with pre-filled fields corresponding to the cloned records.
  • 'Archive' moves the selected records to the archive.

Tip: The Records table also support the Shift-click keyboard shortcut to select multiple records at once. Simply click on a checkbox when holding down shift. 

If no other checkbox was pre-selected, this will select all checkboxes until the one you click on. If a checkbox was pre-selected, this will select the range between the two. 


Export all (visible) records

The download icon on the top right lets you export the table as an Excel file.

This takes into account any filter and sorting applied, including:

  • the selected date range
  • the selected columns
  • any filter applied
  • the 'My work' filter
  • the 'Show archived' filter
  • sorting by column

In other words, only what is displayed at the moment of the export is downloaded.

Note: Dates in exports follow the date format of your locale. 

Export selected records

You have the option to download only specific records, rather than the entire table.

To do so, simply one or more records by checking the boxes on the left > click the download button that appears on the top left of the table. 

Click on the image to expand it

Create new

The button on the top right of the table is a shortcut to let you create a new record.



Pagination means that the content in the table is split into different 'pages'. 

At the bottom of the table, you can adjust the number of records per page, navigate to the previous/next/last page, and view the number of records relative to the total.

Adjusting column width

On the header, hover on the right side of the column. Once you see the resizing icon, drag the boundary of the column and then release it to adjust its width. 

Table Controls - Submissions

Filtering (rows/submissions)

When not all submissions are relevant to you, you can use filtering to narrow down the data displayed.  

Conditional filtering

This works based on an expression. Hence, click on the `Add filter´ button, then:

  1. Select the parameter you want to evaluate
  2. Choose an operator
  3. Input the desired value

Any active filter will appear on top of the table. You can remove any of them by clicking on the `X´ on the side of the filter or you can reset all of them by clicking `Clear all´.

Date selection

The date picker on the top right lets you select a period of interest - this refers to the date of creation of a submission. 

You can either set a predefined period or a custom one.

Submission operations

The meatballs menu (...) on the right side of each submission lets you access a few operations.

  • 'Edit' - it opens the submission in the Bulk create table in edit mode.

Please, note that you need permission to edit created records in order to access this option. 

  • `Clone´ - it clones the submission and opens it in the Bulk create table.

That is, the data is copied and pre-filled in the Bulk create table in edit mode. 

  • `View´ - it redirects you to the All records tab with a filter applied to the submission name. 

This lists all records included in the submission. 

  • `Edit name´ - it lets you rename the submission. 

  • 'Archive' - it archives the submission.

 Please, note that this is not reversible and unarchiving submissions needs to be requested to us.



Clicking on the column header of the table lets you sort based on the column.

Create new

The button on the top right of the table is a shortcut to let you create a new record.