Welcome to Accutics Standardize (formerly known as Tracking Code Creator)! Here's an introduction to the new platform. Learn about the new interface and how to navigate it. 



What changed?

At its core, the new Tracking Code Creator, now known as Accutics Standardize, remains the same as the one you already know.

It is a service in the Accutics platform that allows you to enter campaign data to create consistent tracking URLs or name sets for your marketing campaigns. 

With the new platform, you'll be able to do the same, however, the interface will be completely new.

This article aims to help you familiarize yourself with the new design and to perform common actions. That is: 

  • How to select a project
  • How to create a record (tracking URL, name set, unique code, etc.) 
  • How to save and use Presets 
  • How to generate QR codes 
  • How to generate short URLs 
  • How to view existing Records 
  • How to view Reports 
  • How to edit Datasets (NEW)
  • How to create multiple records with the Bulk create table (NEW)

Please note that some features are still in development and will be available in the close future. These include: 

  • Grouping based on tags


Are you a manager and need to do the first configuration of the project? 
You can check out this article or reach out to us. We’ll help you set up your taxonomy, outputs, and user attributes.

So, let’s get started!


How to select a Project

In the old platform, you'd be logging directly into the Tracking Code Creator and choosing a specific project. 


In the new platform, this changes slightly. Once you’ve logged in, click on the breadcrumbs on the top bar and make sure you are in the correct project, nested under the correct division and workspace. 


Click on the image to expand it


How to create a record? 

Note on the term 'Campaigns'
You may have previously noticed the consistent use of the term 'Campaign' throughout the platform. However, as the platform evolves to cater a wider range of purposes beyond its initial focus on tracking codes, we've decided to retire this term on October 2023. 

Instead, we're adopting the term 'Record' in this Knowledge base, and at times in the platform itself. Record now encompasses tracking URLs, name sets, unique codes, or any other output generated in Accutics Standardize.

When you start using the Accutics Standardize project, your manager will already have configured a taxonomy for you. All you need to do is to fill out the Create form which will then generate tracking URLs, name sets, or other custom outputs.  


You can do so by clicking on the 'Create new' buttons (previously labeled as 'Create Campaign URLs').

The Create form works on the same basis of input fields as before. Some things did change a bit, but all fields should be quite straightforward. 


May you have any issues, here are some good-to-know points:


  • Tooltips. Hovering on the '?' icon opens a short description of the input field.

  • Mandatory / Optional. A label on the side will indicate if a field is optional. If no label is present, the input field is mandatory and is denoted by a *.


  • URL input field. The new URL input field includes validation by default – it will check that the URL exists. Hence, a green checkmark will be shown if the URL is valid. If not, you’ll need to check what doesn’t comply.  


  • Data compliance. Your manager may have configured advanced settings. If a piece of data does not comply with set requirements, a warning icon is normally shown. In other cases, if your manager configured formatting rules, you may experience live corrections while typing. E.g., space ( ) being substituted by an underscore (_).


  • Dependencies. Some input fields may not be visible or not selectable (fields in grey). They only activate when a specific value in another input field is selected. E.g., the source dropdown activates only once a channel is defined. 


  • Field values and dependencies. In select fields (dropdown and multiselect), the list of values available and their relationships are preconfigured by your manager. However, you may have access to adjust them from the Datasets page. See the section 'How to edit Datasets'.


Learn more about creating a record here

Once you have filled in the Create form, proceed as you used to. Hence:


  1.  Click 'Submit'
    This will open a window data a. Specifically, it contains (1) the outputs, which are usually tracking URLs and/or name sets, (2) info about the input fields with their values, and (3) other metadata.
  2. Click on the output to copy it.



How to save and use Presets

If you use the same input values in multiple records, you can save them as presets. 

This allows you to autofill the input fields without having to continuously input the same data manually.

Here's how to do it:  

  1. Fill in the commonly used fields
  2. Click 'Save as preset' on the right panel
  3. Name the preset 
  4. Click 'Save'

Note: If you have access to create shared presets, you'll be given the choice to save your preset for private use only or to make it available to all project members. 


Saving means that all filled input field values are stored with the preset.

Tip: There is no limit to the number of presets you can create, but make sure you use a name that is short but also descriptive enough for you to recognize.


Once you have created a preset, you can find it on the right panel ready to be used at any time. 

  • To apply a preset, simply click the preset. This will autofill the input fields with values stored in the preset. 
  • To rename a preset, click the meatball menu (…) > 'Rename preset' > 'Rename'
  • To delete a preset, click the meatball menu (…) > 'Delete' > 'Proceed with deletion'
  • To change the level of access of a preset, click the meatball menu (...) > 'Edit' > Choose 'Private' or 'Shared' > 'Save'


Learn more about presets here

How to create multiple records with the Bulk create table

If you need to create multiple records with similar input fields and structure, you can use the Bulk create feature to do so. It allows you to easily duplicate records and manipulate multiple input fields.  

Here's how to do it:  

  1. Fill in common input fields / all input fields
  2. Click 'Bulk create' on the section under 'Presets'
  3. Duplicate and edit the data as needed
  4. Click 'Submit'


Tip: If you fill the Create form first, the Bulk create table will retain the input fields values that you filled. This is useful when you have many common fields.


Once you created them, you can find them on the Records table. 

  • To duplicate a record (row), select it by checking the box on the side > 'Duplicate'
  • To delete a record (row), select it by checking the box on the side > 'Delete'
  • To select all, click the checkbox on the top. Click again to deselect all,

Tip: If you want to create, let's say 50 rows, you don't need to click the 'Duplicate' button 50 times. 
Start by duplicating or adding rows. Select all, duplicate. Repeat. 

E.g., 1 row + add 4 rows. Total of 5.
Select all. Duplicate once. Total of 10. 
Select all. Duplicate x4. Total of 50. 


Learn more about creating multiple records here.

How to generate QR codes

QR codes can be generated when you create a URL output like a tracking code. This works the same way as in the old platform.


Immediately after creating a record, click on the 'Get QR code' button in the Output section. A modal will open where you can apply a styling template and customize your QR code format before exporting it. 


If you wish to generate a QR code of an existing record: 

  • Navigate to 'Overview' from the side navigation bar
  • Locate the specific record from the Records table
  • Click on the meatball menu (…) > 'View' > 'Get QR code´


How to generate Short URLs

Short URLs work in the same way as QR codes do in the new platform - they can be generated when a URL output like a tracking code is created and can be found as part of Outputs (see point above on QR codes).


Note: The Short URL service is an add-on to the basic Accutics Standardize and needs to be configured separately. Please, check with your manager or reach out to us if this hasn't been done yet.  


How to view and edit existing records

From the side navigation bar, click 'Overview'. Here you will find a graph illustrating the number of records created in the past month and a records history in the form of a table.  


Records table

The Records table, previously called 'Campaign History', lists and contains information on the latest records created. 


To adjust the data shown you can: 


  • Change the date range

Click on the date controls to open a calendar view and select your preferred range


  • Filter the data by setting a condition 

Click 'Add filter' and set a comparison expression


  • Check, uncheck and reorganize the information in the columns

Click on the 'Toggle columns' > Check / uncheck or drag & drop to reorder


  • Sort based on a specific column

Hover on the column name > click the arrow icon


Learn more about reading the Records table here

Edit records


To edit existing records, locate a record > click on the meatball menu (…). Here, you’ll have a few actions available:


  • Edit
  • Clone
  • View
  • Archive

Note: You need specific permission to access the 'Edit' function. 

'View', previously `View details´, opens a side panel containing information on the available outputs, the input fields and their values, and metadata of the selected record. 

Tip: You can also perform actions in bulk by multi-selecting the records. 

Check the boxes on the side > buttons on the top right corner of the table

Learn more about editing created records here

How to view Reports

The 'Reports' page in the old platform moved under 'Overview' in the new one.


From the side navigation bar, click 'Overview'. 


Here, you’ll find a graph showing the number of records created in the last month on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. 



How to edit Datasets

With the new platform, Editor users now have partial access to edit select fields. Specifically, you can adjust the values and dependencies used in a field by editing its dataset.

A Dataset is a set of values that can be used to configure the Create form. When applied, it provides a list of options available for selection in dropdown or multiselect fields when filling out the Create form to create a record.

From the side navigation bar, click on 'Datasets'. Here, you’ll see a list of all datasets available in the project. Click on one to have an overview of its value options. 

Note on labels:
• The label 'Not used' indicates that the dataset is not currently in use in the Create form.

• The label 'Shared dataset' indicates that the dataset is view-only and can be edited only by Admin users, as it can be shared across different projects. 

Dataset manager

Clicking 'Edit dataset' will open the Dataset manager, a dedicated editor for managing dataset options and dependencies.


Here's an overview of the edits you can make to the value options:

  • To rename a value, simply click on it.
  • To add a value option, click on the 'Add option' button at the bottom of the values.
  • To delete a value, click on the trash bin icon on the right.
  • To reorder the values, drag and drop them or click on the meatball menu (…) at the bottom right to sort the values alphabetically.

Learn more about the Datasets page here


As an Editor, you also have permission to create and edit dependencies. 


A dependency is a relationship in which an element (dependent variable) depends on changes in another element (independent variable). 

In Accutics Standardize specifically, a dependency lets you define which set of values are available for a certain dataset B (dependent) depending on the value in another dataset A (independent).


To manage dependencies, navigate to the 'Dependencies' tab within the Dataset manager. Click 'Add dependency' and select a dataset to establish a dependency relation, where the current dataset depends on the one you selected. Once created, you can select an option from the independent dataset to assign dependent values from the current dataset.

Note: You can edit and create dependencies but keep in mind that dependencies are not automatically included in the field where the dataset is in use. 


Source options normally change from one type of channel to another. E.g., for a social paid channel, you’d have options like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Whereas, for paid search, you'd find options like Google Ads and Bing Ads. In other words, source values depend on values in channel. 

Given that you have two existing datasets - Channel and Source:

  1. Set the dependent relation
    • Click on a 'Add dependency > Select 'Channel' from the list of dataset > 'Publish'
  2. Set a combination
    1. Make a selection
      • Select 'Paid social' in the 'Channel' column
    2. Define the allowed options for the above selection
      • In the 'Allowed options' section, click 'Add option' > Select 'Facebook' >  'Add option' > Select 'Linkedin' > 'Publish'
  3. Repeat until all combinations are set
    1. Select 'Display' in the 'Channel' column
    2. In the 'Allowed options' section, click 'Add option' > Select 'Google Display Network' > 'Publish'
    3. Select 'Paid social' in the 'Channel' column
    4. In the 'Allowed options' section, click 'Add option' > Select 'Google Ads' >  'Add option' > Select 'Linkedin' > 'Publish'