In this release, we introduced bulk import of dependencies along with a new AWS connector in Accutics Standardize. Additionally, we also made some structural changes to improve user experience.



New features:

  • [Accutics Standardize] Bulk import of dependencies in dropdown fields
  • [Accutics Standardize] Amazon Web Services (AWS) Connector


  • [Accutics Standardize] Access to Company settings moved to top bar (Admins)
  • [Accutics Standardize] Account section renamed to Profile

Accutics Standardize


Bulk import of dependencies in dropdown fields

You can now import both field values and dependencies from a .xlsx file at once. This allows you to add new values and dependencies, as well as update existing ones.

Note: The bulk import feature is available only for 'dropdown' fields. That is, dropdown, dropdown with multi-select, and shared dataset fields.

Click the meatballs menu (...) > 'Import' 



  1. Include dependencies and download the template

Select 'Include dependencies' > Select up to 3 dependencies > 'Download template' 


  1. Fill in the template

The template now also includes the dependencies you selected.


  1. Upload the template
  2. Review data
  3. Finalize the import

Learn more about the bulk import of field values and dependencies here

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Connector

With the new AWS connector, you can now automatically export your campaign data to an S3 bucket.

The setup remains the same, with a difference when establishing the connection.

Connection setup

To connect to AWS, you'll need the following information:

  • Access key. Found in the security tab under your IAM profile. 

Example of an access key: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE


  • Secret key. Found in the security tab under your IAM profile.

Example of a security key: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY)


  • Bucket name. Specify the destination bucket for the exports.


  • Region. Found under your bucket properties. 


  • Folder prefix (optional). Use macros to include additional information in the exports. 


Tip: Hover on the tooltip to view the macros we support. 

Learn more about how to set up a Connector here


To enhance user experience, we are in the process of reorganizing some navigation structures and reviewing terminology for better clarity. Here below are the initial changes you can expect.

Access to Company settings moved to top bar (Admins)

Access to Company settings has been moved to the company division in the top navigation bar. 


Click on the divisions > Settings icon by the company name

Account section renamed to Profile

The 'Account' section has been renamed 'Profile'. Along with the name change, we also updated the profile section to appear as a window instead of a separate page.