Learn more about the different single value types, their configuration, and what rules are available for each. 

A single value is the smallest component in an output. It can be used alone, combined, or assigned to conditions to build the output value.


Overview of single values: 


  • Input value. It lets you select an input value to map from the Create form.
  • Variable. It lets you store complex value structures as one value.
  • Unique value. It lets you use a unique ID value.
  • Static value. It lets you define and use a static value.

Value components

Single value
It is the basic unit used as a stand-alone, in conditional values or to build composite values and hence, the final output values.

Combined value
It is made up of multiple values which are combined into one. E.g., using Join and Build URL.

Conditional value
It is made of a value component(s) that change according to the conditions assigned to them.


Input value

Selecting a single input value lets you retrieve data from an input field. You can choose among all the input fields that you’ve configured for the Create form. 

The configuration of an input value depends on the type of input field chosen. 


Input field type: Text

Settings: none


Input field type: URL

Settings: none


Input field type: Dropdown (single-select)

Settings: Override settings (value format) from input field


Input field type: Multiselect


  • Override delimiter from input field
  • Override settings (value format) from input field


Input field type: Checkbox

Settings: Override custom/standard values from input field


Input field type: Date

Settings: Override date format from input field

Note: Single input values retrieve data from the corresponding input fields. 

Learn more about specific settings and rules here.



Selecting a single variable value lets you retrieve the value structure stored in a variable that you've previously created.

Variable is a special value type that can be preconfigured (main element) and reused in different places (instances). All instances are linked and can be managed from the originating element under the 'Variables' tab.

If you have not defined a variable to use yet, you can do it from the 'Variables' tab from the top navigation bar. Learn more about how to create a Variable here


Settings: none(to be preconfigured as Variable)

Use case: sequences and value combinations that are commonly used or repeated in your outputs.

Unique value

Selecting a single unique value lets you use a unique random or sequential ID value that you’ve previously created.

Unique ID is a special value type that can be preconfigured (main element) and reused in different places (instances). All instances are linked and can be managed from the originating element under the 'Unique IDs' tab.

If you have not defined a unique value to use yet, you can do it from the 'Unique IDs' tab from the top navigation bar.


Settings: none (to be preconfigured as Unique ID)


Use case: click IDs.


Static value

Selecting a single static value lets you use a 'hardcoded' value that is fixed and does not change.

Settings: Value definition


Use case: Unique prefixes in tracking codes that identify the specific channel for Channel Reports in Adobe Analytics.