Learn how to create User Attributes to assign extra information to users when inviting them to Accutics Standardize. 

In the previous articles, you learned (1) to build the Create form using Input fields and (2) to create Outputs that are generated when a user creates a record. 


In this article, you will learn how to create User Attributes, the third and last step of the configuration of an Accutics Standardize project. 

If you've already built and configured a Create form, you may consider skipping this article. Indeed, the process of creating User Attributes is the same as that of a Create form - with field types, settings, conditions, etc. 

The only difference is that user attribute fields are a subset of input fields. That is, they are more limited range in terms of field types and functionalities.

User attributes fields
· Field types available: dropdown, text field, multiselect, and checkbox.
· When setting up conditions for user attributes, only user attribute fields can be used.

Input fields - Create form
· Field types available: URL, dropdown, text field, multiselect, checkbox, date, and headline.
· Both user attribute fields and input fields can be used when setting up conditions in the Create form.

How to create user attributes

User attributes are metadata assigned to new users when inviting them to the platform. Indeed, any user attribute field created is added to the `Invite user´ form. This extra information can be used to control what a user can access or as input data for the Create form, Outputs, etc. 

The first time you create User Attributes, the workspace will be empty. However, as you start adding fields, you will see a preview of the fields added to the user invite form on the left side. Whereas on the right, in the `Design´ panel, you will be able to configure each field individually. 


From the Home page, navigate to `Settings´ > `Configuration’ > `User Attributes´. Then:

  1. Select and add a user attribute field type

There are several field types you can add to collect the information needed when inviting users.


  1. Configure fields

The configuration consists of general settings and more specific ones to better define the requirements and format of the metadata. Different field types may have different configurations.


  1. Apply conditions (advanced)

A condition in user attribute fields lets you define in which cases a field should have certain features. 


  1. Save as draft or publish


Tip: You can preview the user attributes fields added to the user invite on the left side. 
To see the final user invite, navigate to `Settings´> `Users´> click `Invite user´.


If your team works with several agencies, you may want to set user attributes to determine if the user is an agent and if so, from which agency. 

This is helpful when you want to customize the Create form, limit access, and/or compare the performance of different agencies. 

Hence, for each user, we want to know:

  • Initials (a general piece of information that can be helpful)
  • Is the user an agent or not?
  • If yes, we want to know the name of the agency.

Click here for details

Let's break this down:

  • Initials are a free text field.
  • The `Is (the user an) agent´ question is a boolean and hence, a checkbox.

Checked value = agent. Unchecked value = not an agent.

  • Agency name is a dropdown listing all agencies the company works with.

Condition: This field is shown and is required only when the checkbox field is checked.

1. Field types

Different types of input fields define different types of data to accept and the format of the field.


`Add field´ > Select a field type.


Overview of available field types:

  • Text. It sets an empty field that lets a user enter a free text value. 
  • Dropdown. It sets a dropdown that allows a user to select a single option from a list of predefined values. 
  • Multiselect. It sets a dropdown that allows a user to select multiple options from a list of predefined values.
  • Checkbox. It sets a checkbox that allows a user to check or uncheck an option (boolean). 

User attribute fields are a subset of input fields - they are more limited in variety but are essentially the same. With this in mind, you can refer to this article to learn more about specific user attribute fields.

2. Configuring fields

Once you added a user attribute field, you can use the Field Editor to configure it to your needs.


The Field Editor provides an interface to let you better define how a field should work and the requirements for the data to be accepted.


From the right panel, click on a field. This will open the Field editor.

The configuration of a field varies depending on the input type. This is what you can generally do: 



  • Rename the field
  • Define field values
  • Enable and/or set specific features 
  • Define requirements 



  • Add a description
  • Set advanced settings
  • Apply rules



  • Add conditions 

General configuration 

Field name

Click on the blue bar to rename the field name. 


The name should give an idea of the type of data you are expected the user to input. Keep it short but descriptive. 



Add dataset button

This section lets you predefine a set of values for the user to use by adding a Dataset. Upon selection, the field will populate with the options from the chosen (shared) dataset.


You can learn more about how to create and manage datasets here

Feature / Functionality checkbox

At times, some input fields will show a checkbox that allows you to enable or set some further features. 


Click on the settings icon to access the field settings. This includes additional attributes and formatting rules.



This is an optional field where you can add text that could be helpful for the user. 


Delimiter (Multiselect field ONLY)

It sets a custom delimiter used in between selections. The default delimiter is an underscore (_).



Here you can find other properties you can apply to the field. Available settings are:


  • Set as visible
  • Set as required
  • Set default value
  • Use abbreviations

For most of them, you also have the option to apply the setting based on specific conditions. This is marked by a condition icon on the right (also see the conditions section below).


On certain input fields, you can apply rules to define how the data should be formatted. 


Rules validate and ensure that the user inputs conform to a specific format/pattern.


To apply a rule to a field, navigate to `Settings´ at the bottom of the field > `Add new rule´ > Select a rule


Available rules are:

  • Limit character range
  • Letter case
  • Replace characters
  • Set allowed characters



Let's say you want to make sure that all user initials are lowercase. You can do this by applying a letter case rule to a text field:


`Add new rule´ > `Letter case´ > `Lower case´


As mentioned, user attribute fields are a subset of input fields. As such, you can refer to this article to learn more about rules and settings for user attributes as well. 


3. Conditions

Conditions are statements that define under which circumstances an action is performed. 


When a condition is associated with a setting, such a setting goes into effect only when the conditional statement is fulfilled. 


To define a condition, navigate to the ´Conditions´ tab. Then:


  1. Define the action to be performed

Click `Add condition´ > Select one of the settings

Alternatively, choose an attribute from the settings and click the conditions icon beside it. 


  1. Set the condition module
  1. Choose the scope

Define whether ALL the expressions have to be met, or if just ANY  is sufficient.

  1. Select the parameter to be evaluated

`Add expression´ > `Input value` > Select a parameter


  1. Define the comparison expression

Select the operator and value


  1. (Provide a value)

For conditions assigned to settings like `Set a default value´




Set a field visible only when the user is an agent. 

In this example, a user is an agent when the checkbox `Is agent?´ is checked. 

Hence: `Set as visible´ WHEN `Is agent?´ is checked. 

This concludes the configuration of an Accutics Standardize project. However, as a project admin, you also have access to the configuration of Connectors -  Integrations to third-party platforms used for classification purposes.

Up next: 

Create a Data Connector