Learn more about how to add, configure, and attach a Data schema in Connectors. 

A Data schema is used as part of Connectors to specify which pieces of data (fields) need to be exported at each run. 

A Data schema can be reused for multiple connectors. However, keep in mind that any change made in a Data schema is reflected in all the instances where the Data schema is used.

How to create a Data schema

Overview of process: 

  1. Add a Data schema
  2. Configure its fields
  3. Save
  4. Attach to a Connector


In this example, we create a simple Data schema with input fields and a user attribute field. For the user attribute field, we also adjust its value. Finally, we attach the Data schema to a new Connector, when setting it up.

Step-by-step instructions (click here)

  1. 'Add Data schema' > Name 'Example
  2. Configure its fields
  • Key - URL input field
  • Medium - Medium input field
  • Source - Source input field
  • Agency - Agency user attribute

Settings: 'Override settings from input field' > 'Apply friendly values' 

  1. Save
  2. 'Create a Connector' > 'Add data schema' > Select 'Example'

1. Adding a Data schema

The most straightforward way to add a Data schema is either by creating it as part of the Connector setup or as a standalone from the 'Data schemas' tab. Hence, either: 

  • Add a new standalone Data schema to attach later

From the Data schemas tab > Click 'Add data schema'

This will add a Data schema not linked to any Connector. However, it can easily be attached when configuring Connectors.  

  • Add and link a new Data schema as part of the setup of a Connector

When configuring a Connector, click 'Add data schema' > 'Create new'

In this way, you'll create and link both Connector and Data schema at once.

Other ways to add and link a Data schema (click here)

Alternatively, you could: 

  • Add and link a new Data schema from an existing Connector

From the Connectors page, find an unlinked Connector > 'Add data schema'

This will create a new Data Schema linked to the chosen Connector.

  • Add and link a new Connector from an existing Data schema

From the Data schemas tab > find an unlinked Data schema > 'Create a Connector'

This will create a new Connector and link the Data schema to it.

2. Configuring a Data schema

A Data schema contains the pieces of data you want to include in the export report and hence, be sent to your third-party tool at each Connector run. To do so, you'll need to configure the fields to be included. 

After naming the Data schema:

  1. Add and name the columns
  2. Select the corresponding field value
  3. (Adjust the field values settings)

Note: When creating Data schema for Adobe Analytics, you need to add a specific column named 'key'. The value in this field corresponds to a value assigned to the Analytics variable in your website’s JavaScript beacon. This would often be your unique tracking code.

  1. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to add more columns

Finally, save (and attach it to a Connector).

Note: Each row in the Data schema corresponds to a column in the export file. The reason why the Data schema elements are called 'Column name' and 'Column value'.

Indeed, in each report, the columns contain the fields you defined in the Data schema, whereas each row corresponds to a record based on the status, date range, and other conditions applied from the Connector setup.

Field values types

Available field values to be added are: 


  • Input fields

The fields that you set up as part of the Create form to collect campaign data. 


  • Outputs fields

The final outputs that are generated after creating a record. They are added as a field column in the Records table. 

  • Parameter

Parameters from the Parameter(s) section of Build URL when building an URL-type output. 

Note: Duplicate or nested parameters are not displayed when selecting a parameter.

In case of duplicate parameters, only the first instance is extracted or the one that fulfils the conditions that apply to the specific record.

If a parameter is nested within another parameter, you'll need to access it by using the parameter lookup function. 

Select 'Parameter lookup' > Enter the exact parameter name


When building a Data schema, you can combine multiple values and add dynamic timestamps:


  • Join 

You can think of Join as a function that lets you concatenate a series of values, separated by a delimiter. This works the same as the JOIN in Outputs. Learn more about it here.

  • Timestamp

They are dynamic times that are added to your export file. Hence:

  • Creation time. When the record was created.
  • Last update. When the record was last changed.
  • Last connector run

When the Connector ran. It corresponds to the 'Planned start' time in the 'Run time' column in the Connector page.

Note: You need to define the date format of a timestamp column before publishing a data schema. 


Adjusting field values

For each of the field values, you can also apply some adjustments by clicking on them. This allows you to set up export-specific rules and/or override some settings.

A rule in Data schema is a transformation that modifies the export data to conform to a certain format and/or pattern.


Export rules include: 


  • Change case - to apply a specific letter case. 
  • Replace - to find a target text and replace it with something else. 
  • Prefix - to affix something at the beginning. 
  • Suffix - to affix something at the end. 
  • URL encode - to convert a string into a valid URL format that is universally accepted by browsers and servers.


Setting that can be adjusted for the exports include: 


  • Override delimiter from input field

This lets you set a specific delimiter for the export data (regardless of the previously set delimiter).

  • Override value form from input field

This lets you set a specific form for the export data (regardless of the previously set form).


Values can be displayed in two forms, as friendly values or as abbreviations. 

• A friendly value is the full form of value and hence, more user-friendly.  
• An abbreviation is the shortened form of a value. This is useful when used as part of tracking codes to avoid overly lengthy URLs.  

Remember: Data schemas can be reused for multiple connectors. However, keep in mind that any change made in a Data schema is reflected in all the instances where the Data schema is used.