Welcome to Accutics Standardize! Learn how to get started and set up a project as an admin user. This includes all steps from access, configuration, and data integrations.

Accutics Standardize is a service in the Accutics platform that allows a user to input classification metadata and output consistent tracking URLs, name sets, or else for marketing campaigns. This helps you to standardize, govern and connect campaign data.

This article will outline how to get started, the configuration of Inputs, Outputs, and User attributes (Project configuration), and finally, data connections to third-party tools.

Note: With the introduction of an unified Dataset manager with dependencies in March 2024, your UI may look different from what is described in this article. While we aim to keep the Knowledge base updated, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. 

Setting up a project

Overview of the process: 

  1. Definition of the company taxonomy 
  2. Project creation (done by Accutics) and access to the platform
  3. Configuration of the project – Project configuration
  1. Creation of the Create form - Inputs
  2. Creation of the records to be generated – Outputs
  3. Creation of attribute fields to assign to users - User attributes (optional)

  1. Integration to third-party platforms – Connectors (optional)

As an admin of a project, you have access to the self-configuration module that allows for managing the taxonomy -  including any inputs and outputs, user attributes, and also integrations. 

To get started, the first and foremost step is to define a fitting taxonomy. 

Based on the taxonomy a custom Create form is then created. This is done by structuring and configuring Inputs, which are fields that let users enter data relating to a specific campaign, e.g., name, channel, source, launch date, etc. At the same time, you can ensure that data is compliant with your taxonomy by applying acceptance rules, transformations, and other specifics to the fields.


Once the Create form is in place, you'll need to define what Outputs should be generated based on the input data. 

E.g., tracking codes for Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics. 

Inputs and Outputs conclude the basic configuration needed to start using Accutics Standardize. 

At this point, a user could enter campaign data and then submit the Create form to generate tracking codes, name sets, and/or else. Finally, the output(s) can be copied and pasted where needed. E.g., when creating an ad in 

Meta Business.

Optionally, the configuration of projects can also include creating user attributes. These are fields used to attach extra metadata to users when inviting them to the project. They can be used as any other field, but also to control user access. 


Lastly, as an admin, you also have access to the management of data connections. This lets you export data to a third-party tool for classification purposes, automatically.

Note: In this Knowledge base, and at times in the platform itself, we use the term Record to encompass tracking URLs, name sets, unique codes, or anything else you configure to be generated from the Create form. 

1. Defining a taxonomy

The first step, before starting to use Accutics, is to define a project taxonomy. 


A taxonomy is a hierarchical structure used to identify and organize marketing campaign data.

This can be handled internally from your side, or it can be discussed as part of the onboarding with our team - please, feel free to reach out if this has not been covered. 

To ease the implementation of your taxonomy in the Accutics platform, please, define a detailed breakdown of the data. This will be used in the next step to create the Create form.

Note: The Create form is used to collect input data about a campaign from the user. Different types of input fields let you build the form based on your taxonomy and customize it to ensure consistency.

Hence, for each piece of data you want to capture, also define:

  • Name

  • Type of data and hence, input field.

Available types: text, dropdown, checkbox, URL, date, and headline. 

  • Values of the field, if any.

  • Settings - special attributes or settings.

E.g., mandatory/optional, default value, use of abbreviations, delimiter symbol, formatting rules, etc. 

The settings mandatory and visible are applied by default. Here is a list of all available input field settings.

  • Conditions - specific cases when specific attributes should be applied.

E.g., IF: the Medium value is "Social Paid"

THEN: apply this attribute - default value of Source is "Google Ads" 

  • Dependencies - whether certain values depend on values from other fields.

E.g., the values available for Source depend on the value selected of Medium.

Example - Taxonomy

For illustrative purposes, let's consider a very basic taxonomy composed of URL, medium, source, and campaign name.


Click on the picture to view it in full screen

2. Accessing Accutics

After a taxonomy has been outlined, we'll create a custom project for you and grant you access to it through an email invitation. 


Once you received the activation email, simply click on 'Join your team' and follow the instructions on the screen to access the platform. 

Step-by-step instructions (click here)


Once you received the activation email:

  1. Open the invitation email > 'Join your team'

     You'll be redirected to your profile activation page.

  1. Fill in the form with your first and last name
  2. Create a password
  3. Accept the Terms & Conditions > 'Get Started'

Haven't received any email? Make sure to check your spam folder or ask for the email to be resent.

3. Configuring a project - Project configuration

After creating a profile, you’ll be logged into the platform. At this stage, the Accutics Standardize project still needs to be configured to be ready for use. 

The configuration consists in creating:

  • The Create form using input fields
  • Outputs using output fields
  • User attributes fields to add to the User invite form (optional)

3a. Creating the Create form - Inputs

In this step, you’ll learn to build the Create form using Inputs. 

Inputs comprise any fields that the user can use to enter data when creating a record, and consequently, generate tracking codes and name sets. 

A broad range of field types is available to simplify the selection process for the user while also ensuring that each output is created consistently. Indeed, a field offers several configuration possibilities, including required/optional, visible/hidden, conditional formatting, dependency relationships, etc. 

From the Home page, navigate to 'Settings' > 'Configuration'> 'Start from Scratch'

Hence, to create a Create form: 


  1. Select and add input field types

Add fields to design a form reflecting your company taxonomy. There are several field types that you can use to build a form and collect the information you need.

  1. Configure input fields

The configuration consists of general settings and more specific ones to better define the requirements and format of the input data. Different field types may have different configurations.


  1. Apply conditions (advanced)

A condition, in input fields, lets you define in which cases a field should have certain attributes. 


  1. Build dependencies (advanced)

A dependency lets you build a relationship where the values of a field depend on the value of another field.


  1. (Save as draft)

Saving as a draft allows you to save your progress without publishing the configuration. 

Tip: Input fields can be easily reordered by dragging and dropping.

Click the arrows icon on the bottom right of the page > reorder the fields > click the checkmark to finalize

Example - Input fields

In this example, we'll create the Create form based on the taxonomy we previously defined.

Taxonomy (from the above example): 

Click on the picture to view it in full screen

Video of the process:

Source field - Step-by-step instructions (click here)

Input field type

Click 'Add field' > 'Dropdown'

Configuration of fields

Field name

Click on the field header > rename 'Source'

Field values (Manual input)

Expand the field, 'Add option'

Type 'Facebook' > enter > enter


Google Display Network > enter


Click the settings icon from the bottom > check 'Use abbreviations'> 'Apply changes'

Add corresponding values to the 'Abbr.' column

fb > enter > enter


gdn > enter


Click 'Conditions' from the bottom > 'Add condition'>

Setting to be applied

'Set default value to'


'Add case' > leave 'Any'

Comparison expression

'Add expression'> 'Input fields' >

  • Parameter of evaluation: 'Medium'
  • Comparison operator: 'is'
  • Value to be evaluated: 'Display'

Default value to return (when the condition is fulfilled) 

Value = 'Google Display Network'


Click 'Dependencies' from the bottom > Choose 'Medium' (field with independent values)

Expand the values of the independent field (Medium) and assign corresponding values of the dependent field (Source) to each. 

For Paid Search 

> 'Add option' > 'Facebook'

> 'Add option' > 'LinkedIn'


For Display 

> 'Add option' > 'Google Display Network'

> 'Apply changes' to save

Learn more about how to create a Create form here.

3a. Creating Outputs

Before a user can submit a record, you need to define what should be generated from the Create form. In this step, you will learn to create an Output by building its structure and configuring it.

Outputs cover tracking URLs and text strings including tracking codes, name sets, URL parameters, etc. which are dynamically constructed from the input fields by using custom mapping rules.

From 'Inputs', switch to the 'Outputs' tab

Hence, to create an output: 

  1. (Preconfigure any Variable or Unique ID)

See the below subsection on linked values.

  1. Select and add an output field type

Currently, there are two field types: URL and text. 

Adding a field creates the container where you'll build the value, whereas the type defines further functionalities associated with it. E.g., QR codes, short URLs, etc. 

  1. Build the output value

Build the structure of the output value by defining whether it is composed of single, multiple, or conditional values. For multiple values, also define if it should be formatted purposefully, e.g., as a tracking code (Build URL) or as a simple string (Join). 


  1. Configure the output value

The configuration consists of specifying and configuring the single components of the output value. This differs depending on the output value structure.


  1. Add Rules (optional)

A rule is a transformation that modifies the data to conform to a certain format/pattern. This ensures consistency.


  1. Apply conditions (advanced)

A condition is a logical comparison that must be met for something to come into effect.

When applied to output values, it lets you output different values depending on different cases. 


  1. Save as a draft or Publish

Publishing means creating or updating a previous version of the configuration.

Note on Output structure (click here)

The final output is added as a single string under the output column on the Records table. However, when building it, you’ll have to define each component.

Output structure

1. Output field
A single-string output that is generated and added to the Records table when a record is submitted.

2. Output value
The final value of the output. It can be made of one single value or multiple ones. One output field can have multiple output values that apply in different cases.

3. Single values
Single values are the building blocks of outputs. They can be used alone, combined, or assigned to conditions to build the output value and hence, the final output.

Output = value1
value1 is a single output value that is composed of 1 single value.

Output = value1+value2+...
value1+value2+... is a combined output value that is composed of multiple single values.

Learn more about the structure of Outputs and value components here

Linked values

Among single values, Variables and Unique IDs are special value types that can be preconfigured (main element) and reused in different places (instances). All instances are linked and can be managed from the originating element under the respective tabs. 


Unique IDs

Unique IDs let you generate unique random or sequential ID values at each use. 

Use case: unique tracking IDs instead of traditional tracking variables. 

Step-by-step instructions (click here)

From the Output configuration, switch to the 'Unique IDs' tab. Then:

  1. 'Add unique value'
  2. Select the value type
  3. Configure the value
  4. Add the preconfigured Unique ID to Output fields
  5. (Edit it to apply changes to all instances)


Variables let you store and retrieve (complex) value structures as one value component.

Use case: when different outputs share the same value pattern, often a complex one.

Step-by-step instructions (click here)

From the Output configuration, switch to the 'Variables' tab. Then:

  1. 'Add Variable'
  2. Create and configure a value
  3. Add the preconfigured Variable to Output fields
  4. (Edit it to apply changes to all instances)

Example - Outputs 

Let's say that from the input data, we want to generate a tracking URL composed of URL and some basic query parameters. 

More specifically: URL, medium, source, and ID. 

Other requirements:

  • We want this to be our default output with no other cases.
  • The tracking ULR needs to be in lowercase
  • Spaces need to be replaced with a dash (-)
  • The values should use an abbreviation form (e.g., fb instead of Facebook)

Here is a list of all available settings for Output fields.

Let's break this down:

Details (click here)

Field type

A tracking URL is a URL field type. 

Output value - structure and components 

URL, medium, and source are input fields from the Create Form. 

ID is a unique ID.

ID Unique IDs and Variables need to be pre-configured. 

They are all single values that can be combined with a Build URL function.

Build URL lets you define a base URL and a sequence of parameters in line with industry formats and standards.

Settings & Rules

Rules (output field level):

  • Change case - Lower case
  • Replace ' ' with '-'



Video of the process:

Step-by-step instructions (click here)

Pre-configuration of Unique ID

You can configure it based on the platform you use. For example purposes, we'll create a random ID with 6 characters, numbers, and lowercase letters. 

Switch to the 'Unique IDs' > 'Add unique value' > 'Random ID'

ID name

Click on header > Type 'Unique random ID for campaigns'


In the ID length field, type: '6'

In the allowed characters field, select 'Lower cased' and 'Numbers'. 

Output field type

Field type

`Add value´ > `URL´

Field name

Click on header > Type `Tracking URL´

An output field is added as a column to the Records table. 
The name of the output field corresponds to the column name and the output value corresponds to its content. 

Build output value

Output value type

`Add output value´ > `Build URL´

Output value name

Click on header > Type `default´

Configuration - Single values

Base URL

`Select a value´ > `Input values´ > `Landing page´


`Add parameter´

> `Enter parameter name...´ > Type `utm_medium´

> `Choose value´ > `Input values´ > `Medium´

> Check `Override settings from input field´> Select `Use abbreviations´

... (repeat for other 2 parameters)

> `Enter parameter name...´ > Type `cid´

> `Choose value´ > `Unique values´ > `Unique random ID´


Switch from `Setup´ to  `Output rules´ on top of the output field.

`Add output rules´ > `Change case´ > `Lower case´

`Add output rules´ > In the replace field type ` ´ > In the with field type ` ´


`Save as draft´ or `Publish´

Learn more about how to create an output here.

3c. Creating User attributes (optional)

In the previous steps, you learned (1) to create the Create form using Inputs and (2) to create outputs that are generated whenever a record is Pu. This concludes the most basic configuration. 


However, you could also proceed further and create User attributes. 

User attributes are fields that are added to the User invite form and let you assign extra metadata to users. 

Use case: When you work with several agencies, user attributes allow you to assign information like agency name to agent users and use it as a field in Inputs, Outputs, Data schema, etc. 

This allows you to personalize the Create form, limit access, and/or overview the performance of different agencies. 

From Outputs, switch to the 'User attributes' tab

Alternatively, from the navigation bar, navigate to 'Settings' > 'Configuration' > 'User attributes'

The process of creating User attributes works in the same way as creating a Create form - with field types, settings, conditions, etc. 

The only difference is that user attribute fields are a subset of input fields. That is, User attributes have a more limited range of field types and functionalities. 

As such, the configuration of User attributes should be quite straightforward. If not, please refer to this article.

Note: User attributes are a subset of Input fields. 

User attribute fields
· Field types available: dropdown, text field, multiselect, and checkbox.
· When setting up conditions for user attributes, only user attribute fields can be used.

Input fields (Create form)
· Field types available: URL, dropdown, text field, multiselect, checkbox, date, and headline.
· Both user attribute fields and input fields can be used when setting up conditions in a Create form.

Overview of the process (click here)


User attributes are added as fields in the User invite form. To create one: 

  1. Add and select a user attribute field type

'Add field' > Select a field type

Several field types let you collect the correct information when inviting users.


  1. Configure fields

The configuration consists of general settings and more specific settings to better define the requirements and format of the metadata. Different field types may have different configurations.


  1. Apply conditions (advanced)

A condition in user attribute fields lets you define in which cases a certain attribute should apply to it.


  1. Publish

Publishing means to create or update a previous version of the configuration. 


In this example, we want to know which users are agents. If they are, we also want to know the name of the agency. 

More specifically: 

  • The question 'Is it an agent (or not)?' is a boolean, hence a checkbox. 
  • We want to know the name of the agency only if the user is an agent. This is a condition.
  • The agency name could be set as a text field or a dropdown list (single selection).

For consistency, we want it to be a dropdown.

Other requirements:

  • As we may add the agency name to our tracking code, we want the values to have abbreviations. 

Let's break this down:

Video of the process:

Agency field - Step-by-step instructions (click here)

Input field type

Click 'Add field'> 'Checkbox'

Configuration of fields

Field name

Click on the field header > rename 'Is an agent?'

Input field type

Click 'Add field' > 'Dropdown'

Configuration of fields

Field name

Click on the field header > rename 'Agency?'

Field values

Import values using the import xlsx. template:

Meatball menu (...) > 'Import' > 

'Download template' > Fill in the template & Save > Drag & drop into the import window

'Review´> Review > 'Import'

Manual input:

In the field value, type 'ABCmedia' > enter > enter

'Acme agency' > enter > enter

'123Social' > enter


Click the settings icon from the bottom 

> check 'Use abbreviations'

> uncheck 'Set as required'

> 'Apply changes'

(If you did not use the import template) Add corresponding values to the 'Abbr.' column

'abc' > enter > enter

'acme' > enter > enter

'123' > enter


Click 'Conditions' from the bottom > 'Add condition' >

Setting to be applied (do this)

'Set to mandatory'

Comparison expression (if)

'Add expression' > 'Input fields' >

  • Parameter of evaluation: 'Is an agent?'
  • Comparison 'is checked'

> 'Apply changes'



Learn more about how to create User attributes here

Access groups (optional)

Based on User attributes, you can also control what records to show users. 

Access groups are configurable groups that can be assigned to users to restrict their access to view records based on defined conditions. 

Use case: Restricting agent users to be able to view only records created by their own agency.

From User attributes, switch to the 'Access groups' tab

Hence, to create an Access group:

  1. Add and name a new field


  1. Configure the access group

This consists in setting up conditions based on user attributes, which defines whether a record is shown to the member of the access group. 

If the user attributes of the record author fulfill the requirements of the access group, then, the record is shown.

  1. Publish

You can now navigate to the Users page and assign users to access groups. Like User attributes, Access groups appear as a field in the Invite user form and User details panel.

Users that are assigned to an access group, can view only records created by users who fulfill the conditions of that group.

Learn more about how to create and assign Access groups here.  

This concludes the configuration. Your Accutics Standardize project is fully ready to be used!

TipAnyone with admin access can adjust and edit the configuration as needed at any time. 

To prevent any confusion, a configuration history is available so that you can always have an overview of the different versions and keep track of who made updates. 

To access Versions, navigate to 'Settings' > 'Configuration'> Click the 'See versions' button
Alternatively, while editing a configuration, click on the blue icon at the bottom of the side navigation bar

4. Connecting to third-party platforms (optional)

The self-configuration of projects also includes the management of data connections to third-party tools using Connectors.

A Connector is an integration that lets you export data to your analytics tool or data warehouse by using platform-specific APIs. This happens automatically and consistently, as per a Data schema and other export settings you define.

Use case: Exporting metadata and binding it to the campaign UTM parameters/tracking codes captured by Google Analytics/Adobe Analytics.

Click 'Connectors' under 'Setup' on the navigation bar


Once you added a Connector, its configuration consists in establishing the connection, setting the frequency, and defining the content of the exports. After the setup, the connector will start to automatically run at the interval you set. 

To run a connector means to generate and export a report file to the connection destination. In each report, the columns contain the fields you defined in the Data schema, whereas each row corresponds to a record based on the status, date, and other conditions you applied. 

Accutics Standardize also classifies the tracking IDs with Adobe Analytics and/or Google Analytics, ensuring reporting on variable names instead of IDs.

Hence, to create a Connector:

  1. (Preconfigure a Data schema)

A Data schema determines what pieces of data (fields) are included in the exports.

For a seamless experience, we recommend you preconfigure it (See the below subsection on Data schema)

  1. Add and select a Connector

We currently support connectors to Adobe Analytics, Amazon Web Services and email. More connectors including Google Cloud Service will be available shortly. 

Other data destinations can be added by using our generic (S)FTP Connector. 


  1. Set up the Connector
  1. Establish a connection 

Define the destination and provide your credentials to the third-party tool.


  1. Define the frequency of the runs

This determines how often the exports should happen. Scheduling can be set at various intervals depending on the needs and requirements for data freshness.


  1. Add a Data schema

Either add the preconfigured Data schema or create one from the Connector's setup.


  1. Apply export settings (advanced)

This lets you include/exclude records in the exports based on their status, date, and other advanced conditional filters.

  1. Save

Data schema

A Data schema is used as part of Connectors to specify which data points (fields) need to be exported at each run (each field appears as a column in the export report).

A Data schema is normally pre-configured and can be reused for multiple Connectors. This means that if you need to make any changes at a later point in time, all instances where the Data schema is used are updated.  


From the Connectors page, switch to the 'Data schema' tab

Hence, to create a Data schema: 


  1. Add and name a Data schema

    (This will add a Data schema not linked to any Connector)


  1. Configure the Data schema
  1. Add and name the columns
  2. Select the corresponding field values for each
  3. (Adjust the field value settings if needed)
  1. Save and attach to a Connector

You can attach a Data schema while configuring a Connector or by adding it to an existing one. 


Note: A Connector can exist but cannot run without a Data schema attached.


Let's consider we want to classify the campaign data in our analytics tool. To do so, we want Accutics Standardize to export campaign data to Adobe Analytics every week.

More specifically: 

  • We want to export all input fields and cid.
  • The exports should run every week, on Mondays.

Other requirements:

  • We want to export all records that were created in the past week, excluding archived ones. 

(This matches with the default date range set by the frequency)

Video of the process:

Step-by-step instructions (click here)

Pre-configuration of Data schema

You can configure it based on what data and when you want to send it to your third-party platform. For this example, we'll create a data schema for Adobe Analytics, which requires a 'key'.

Switch to the 'Data schemas' tab  > 'Add data schema'

A side panel will open to let you define the name and pieces of data to be exported. 

Data schema name 

Click on header > Type 'Default'

Configuration of campaign data

'Enter column name' > Type 'key'

'Choose value' > 'Input values' > 'URL'

'Add column'


'Enter column name' > Type 'cid'

'Choose value' > 'Unique values' > 'Unique random ID'

> 'Save'

Add a Connector

Click 'Add connector' > select 'Adobe Analytics'

Click on the header to name the Connector.

Connector setup


Input your credentials to the third-party tool in the host, login, and password fields.

Click the 'Validate' button that appears.


Click on the drop-downs to select your preferred scheduling for the runs.

Schedule run: Weekly. Weekday: Monday. Time: 9 am.

Data schema

'Add data schema' > Select the preconfigured 'Default'

Export settings

Check 'Exported'



Learn more about how to create a Connector here.

Congratulations on making it so far! 

This concludes the overview of how to configure an Accutics Standardize project, including setting up data integrations. Next, you can dive deeper into the steps covered in this article. 

Learn more about Accutics Standardize here.