Learn how to create a record by inputting classification data in the Create form and submitting it. 

The Create form is a form that has been preconfigured by an admin user. It allows you to enter data relative to a marketing campaign (inputs) to generate consistent tracking codes, name sets, or else (outputs). 


Create a Record

Whether you need tracking codes or name sets, the form has already been configured accordingly. All that is left for you to do is to fill in the input fields with the correct data. 


From the navigation bar, click 'Create' under the 'Actions' section. Then: 

  1. Fill in the form

The form is built based on different types of input fields that accept different pieces of data.


  1. Save and use presets (optional)

If you have a set of input values that you use repeatedly, you can save it as a preset. Hence, avoiding filling in the values manually every time. 


  1. Adjust options - Datasets (optional)

If you need to adjust certain value options and dependencies, you may have permission to do so from the 'Datasets' page. 


  1. Submit the form

Once you filled in all the data, you can submit the form to generate outputs. 

After the submission, you will still be able to make edits if you have the permission to do so.


Tip: If you need to create multiple records at once, check out this article about Bulk create table


Let's consider you need to generate a tracking code for the incoming Black Friday campaign.

Here are the details of the campaign: 

  • Landing page: www.example.com
  • Medium: Paid Social
  • Source: Instagram
  • Campaign: Black Friday
  • Publication date: Nov 7, 2022


Once you have all the campaign data at hand, simply enter them in the Create form and then submit the form. That's it. 

Note: Your manager already configured the Create form for you according to the company taxonomy. 

Sometimes certain fields may also have been configured to have default values, like date and external checkboxes (like in this example).

Step-by-step instructions (click here)

  1. 'Create' to create a record
  2.  Fill in the fields (and make adjustments)

We noticed the form is missing Instagram, so we saved the pre-filled fields as a preset and added the value option from 'Datasets' before submitting. Please keep in mind you may not have permission to do this. 

  • Campaign name (optional): blck_frid 

There is a letter case and limit on the number of characters in this field. Spaces are also automatically substituted by underscores (_).

  • External: checked

Checked is the default value.

  • Published on (optional): Nov 7, 2022

The current day is the default value.

  1. Publish

1. Input fields

The are 6 inputs field types available to you.


Input filed type



It lets you enter a free text value.

Dropdown with single select

It lets you select a single option from a list of predefined values. 


It lets you select multiple options from a list of predefined values.


It lets you check or uncheck a predefined option.


It lets you select a date or interval of dates from a calendar.


It lets you enter an URL address.


This is not an input field but it is used as a header for a section. 

URL input field
The URL input field is special as it includes validation by default – it will check that (1) the URL is accessible and (2) the number of redirects.

Depending on the result, a green checkmark or a warning for potential issues will be shown.

However, the warning is not binding. The validation ensures that you are aware that the URL may be causing issues but it does not stop you from proceeding if you are doing it intentionally.

Use case: you are preparing the tracking code for a landing page that may not be live until a few days later.

All input fields should be quite straightforward. However, may you have any doubts about them, here are some good-to-know points:

  • Tooltips. Hovering on the '?' icon opens a short description of the input field.


  • Mandatory / Optional. A label on the side will indicate if a field is optional. If no label is present, the input field is mandatory. 


  • Data compliance. Your manager may have configured a series of advanced settings. 

If a piece of data does not comply with set requirements, a warning icon is normally shown. In other cases, if formatting rules are applied, you may experience live corrections while typing. E.g., spaces ( ) being substituted by underscores (_)


  • Conditional settings. Certain settings, input fields, or even values can be set to activate conditionally, based on your input in other fields. 

That is, input fields may not be visible or selectable (fields in grey) at first but activate only when a specific value in another input field is selected. E.g., the source dropdown activates only once a channel is defined. 


  • Datasets and dependencies. In select fields (dropdown and multiselect), the list of values available and their relationships are preconfigured by your manager. However, you may have access to adjust them from the Datasets page. See the section ´Datasets (optional)´.

2. Presets (optional)

A preset is a combination of input values that is saved for future use. This allows you to save a set of values that are used often, without having to input them manually every time. 

Hence, to create a preset:

  1. Fill in the commonly used fields
  2. Save the preset
  1. 'Save as preset'
  2. Name the preset
  3. 'Save'

Tip: When creating a preset, make sure to choose a name that is descriptive enough to easily remind you of what it is about. E.g., DK – social – Fb – Paid.

If you have access to create shared presets, you'll be given the choice to save your preset for private use or to make it available to all project members.

The preset will then be listed under the corresponding sections:

  • My presets. Only you can see and use these presets.
  • Presets for everyone. Everyone in the project can see and access these presets.

Presets are ready to be used at any time and clicking on one will autofill the input fields with the values stored in the preset.

Tip: Once created, Presets are also available from the Home page. Simply click on one to be redirected to an auto-filled Create form.

Learn more about presets here.  


3. Datasets (optional)

Your manager has already build a Create form for you, complete with input fields and predefined values. However, you may have access to adjust certain input fields to better suit your needs by editing the dataset associated with them. This can be done from the Dataset page.

From the side navigation bar, click on 'Datasets' under the 'Setup' section. 

Here, you’ll find a list of all datasets available in the project. Click on a dataset to overview its value options. 

If you have editing permission, you'll also see a 'Edit dataset' button. Clicking it will open the Dataset manager, where you can manage its value options and dependencies. 


Note on labels:
• The label 'Not used' indicates that the dataset is not currently in use in the Create form.

• The label 'Shared dataset' indicates that the dataset is view-only and can be edited only by Admin users, as it can be shared across different projects. 

Learn more about the Datasets page here




4. Submitting a Record

Once you filled in all the necessary data in the form, you can generate the output needed and hence, creating the record by submitting it. 


From the bottom of the form, click 'Submit'

A window with details about the record will open. Simply click on the output to automatically copy it to the clipboard. 

Created records are listed on the Records table, where you can view details, archive, or duplicate records. 

Note: Already created records can be edited. However, you need the right permission to do so. Learn more about editing created records here

Saving as a Draft

If the record is not complete, you can save the current form as a Draft, which you can view and edit from the Drafts page at a later point.


Simply click the 'Save draft' button on the bottom right. Saving consists of naming the draft and confirming the save. 


Once you created a draft, you'll have two saving options: 

  • Save as new draft. This saves the draft as a new one.
  • Save draft. This updates the changes made to the current draft. 


To view and manage existing drafts, click 'Drafts' from the navigation bar

TipA Draft can also be used as a template as it can easily be duplicated from the Draft page for repeated use.


Up next: 

Generate an Output