Learn how to create multiple records by using the Bulk create table. 

Most often you'll need to create more than one record. In this case, you can use the Bulk create feature to create and edit multiple records but also save them as a draft and submitting them in bulk with a submission label.

Creating multiple records

Bulk create table is a table based on the Create form that allows you to easily duplicate and manipulate multiple records at once. 

With Bulk create table, multiple records can also be saved as a Draft or be created as a single submission. 


Overview of the process: 

  1. Access Bulk create table

From the navigation bar, click 'Bulk create'

  1. Create multiple records using the Bulk create table

Duplicate records and edit the data as needed.

  1. Save as draft or submit

Use case: If you need to create 10, 50, 100, or more records, you don't want to do this one by one - it'd take too much time. Rather, you can use Bulk create table with pre-filled selections to easily create and manipulate multiple records at the same time.


Tip: You can also import your work from an file without having to manually create records in the Bulk create table. Learn more about how to import files using templates here


Your company runs the same paid campaign on multiple different platforms. In other words, all the parameters are the same except for the source. 


Instead of creating a record with the Create form for each different source, you can use Bulk create table.


Step-by-step instructions (click here)

  1. From the Create form, fill in all the input fields
  2. Click 'Bulk create'
  3. Select the pre-filled record row > Click 'Duplicate'

For each row, change the value of the source column

  1. Click 'Submit'

Accessing the Bulk create table

You can access Bulk create table from either the Create form or from the shortcut on the navigation bar: 

From the navigation bar, click 'Bulk create' under the 'Actions' section

From the Create form, click the 'Bulk create' button in the section under 'Presets'

The Bulk create table will open, where the columns correspond to the input fields from the Create form and each row corresponds to a record with its specific ID and field values.

Tip: If you fill out the Create form first, Bulk create table will retain the field values that you pre-filled. This is useful when you have many common fields.


Using the Bulk create table

Manipulating rows (records)

  • Duplicate specific rows

Check the box on the left to select the row(s) > click 'Duplicate' on the top of the table.


  • Add default rows

Click the + icon on the bottom right of the page. 

This adds a row with default values if any.  


  • Delete a row

Check the box on the left to select the row(s) > click 'Delete' on the top of the table.


Tip: Bulk create table supports a keyboard shortcut to duplicate/delete a selection. 

Select records > Cmd-click (Ctrl-click for Windows)


Manipulating cell contents (field values)

  • Edit the cell content 

Click on the cell with the field value you want to add/edit. 

Depending on what type of input field it is, the cell will behave differently.


  • Remove cell content 

Hover on the cell and click the X icon that appears.

Tip: You can edit and clear cell contents in bulk using the 'Modify selection' feature. See the section below.

Other commands

  • Selecting/deselecting all rows

Click the checkbox on the first column, on the left of #ID to select all rows. 

When all rows are selected, click the checkbox again to deselect all rows.


  • Sorting the column content

Hover on the column header > Click on the arrow that appears


  • Resizing column width

Hover on the column header > Click and drag the scaling icon that appears


  • View full cell content

Hover on the cell > Click on the eye icon

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Duplicate/delete selected rows

Mac: Command-click

Windows: Control-click

  • Select/unselect row

Mac: Command-click

Windows: Control-click

  • Select multiple rows


Hold down Shift and click on a checkbox to select multiple rows at once.

Examples (click here)

Selecting all rows from the top

  1. Ensure that no checkboxes are preselected
  2. While holding down Shift, click on checkbox 6

This will select all the rows from the top down to row 6. 

Selecting a range

  1. Preselect checkbox 2
  2. While holding down Shift, click on checkbox 7

This will select a range of rows, in this case, from row 2 to row 7. 

Deselecting a range

It is also possible to deselect multiple rows that are selected. 

Assuming there is already a range of rows selected:

  1. Deselect and select checkbox 8 (this defines row 7 as the starting point)
  2. While holding down Shift, click on checkbox 2
  3. While still holding down Shift, click on checkbox 8

This will deselect a range of rows, in this case, from row 2 to row 7. 

Note: Icons on the side of the field or at the beginning of the row indicate whether the fields comply with the requirements your manager set.

A red alert means that something needs to be reviewed. A green alert means that everything is in order. 

Modify selection

Modify selection lets you edit multiple fields at once. This works by selecting a range of rows (records) and then making changes to one of the cells in the selection. 

  1. Selecting a range of rows 

Select the checkboxes on the left-hand side corresponding to the rows you intend to edit

Tip: Select multiple rows at once by using the  keyboard shortcut Shift-click. 

  1. Applying the 'Modify selection' feature

Select the checkbox at the top of the table


  1. Applying multiple changes simultaneously

Make changes to one cell by either entering a value or selecting it


Given that the value is eligible for all the cells in the same column, the changes will automatically apply to the rest of them. 


You can repeat these steps to continue applying edits to multiple rows. The 'Modify selection' feature will remain active until specifically deselected.

Saving as a Draft

If the records are not complete, you can save the current table as a Draft, which you can view and edit from the Drafts page at a later point.

Simply click the 'Save' button on the top right. Saving consists of naming the draft and confirming the save. 

Once you created a draft, you'll have two saving options: 

  • Save as new draft. This saves the draft as a new one.
  • Save draft. This updates the changes made to the current draft. 


  • Recent drafts. This gives you quick access to all recently created drafts.


Tip: A Draft can also be used as a 'template' as it can easily be duplicated for repeated use.


Managing Drafts

As mentioned, Drafts can be accessed at a later point. 

To view and access existing drafts, click 'Drafts' from the navigation bar


On the Drafts page, you can find a table displaying all existing drafts with the indication of name, last user, number of records it contains, date of the last update, and date of creation. 


  • By clicking on the meatball menu (...), you can open, duplicate or remove a draft.
  • To delete/duplicate multiple drafts, select all or some drafts > 'Delete'/'Duplicate' on the top right of the table.
  • A filtering function and search bar on the top of the table allow you to narrow down the selection.


Submitting multiple records

To create all records in bulk, simply click 'Submit'

Before finalizing the submission, you will be asked to name the submission. This is used to label the multiple records as a single submission for later use. Learn more about submissions here

From the same window, you can also export, create more, or simply proceed to view the records you just bulk-created. 

  • Export. It exports all the records and their fields (inputs, outputs, and metadata) as a .xlsx file.
  • Create more. It reopens the Bulk create table with the records you just created.
  • View submission. It opens the Records table with a filter on the most recent records you've just created.

Closing the window will still create the records.


Note: Already created records can be edited. However, you need editing rights to do so. 
Learn more about editing created records here