Learn how to change source information, disconnect/reconnect a source and permanently delete it.

Source settings

If you wish to make changes to existing sources, navigate to source settings. There, you will find general settings and source settings to manage the connection of the source. 

From the  `Overview´ page > Click on the meatball menu (...) >  `Source settings´, or 

from the  `Sources´ page > Click on any source >  `Settings´ >  `Settings´


Here you can edit source details and delete your source completely. 


Source details

Source name

Here you can edit the source name. 

Tip: Source naming should allow you to easily identify your ad accounts. E.g., you could use the same naming as that of your marketing platform, so that you can identify it 1:1.



Here you can add a description to brief other users about the source details.

Delete source

This permanently deletes a source including all its data and connection settings.


Here you can manage your source connection. 



Here you can select or deselect ad accounts to add or remove from the source. 

Updating your source takes effect immediately and could affect the validation rules that you previously set. Hence, please revisit the validation rules to make sure the new conditions comply with the connection changes.


If you want to remove all ad accounts and reconnect others, you can disconnect the source. 


Disconnecting / Reconnecting a source

Disconnecting a source

From Source setting > Connection >  `Disconnect´


Disconnecting a source means that all your listed accounts will be disconnected from that source. Consequently, all related validation rules are also deactivated. 


You cannot undo this action; however, you can reconnect the source at any time. 

Tip: Disconnected sources have a `Disconnected´ label on the source page. 


Reconnecting a source

Once a source is disconnected, the connection page appears empty with a button that allows you to reconnect a source. 


From Source setting > Connection >  `Reconnect´


This will restart the process of adding a source:

  1. Authenticate
  2. Choose one or more ad account(s)
  3. Name your connection


Click `Save´ to update your changes.

After you reconnect a source, the validation rules related to the previous connection will stay inactive to allow you to adjust and make the necessary changes before resuming your activities. Once you've reviewed the validation rules, you have to activate them again, manually.

Use case
When someone who was managing the source leaves your Accutics Validate project, you have to disconnect the user account related to him/her. Later, someone else can take over the vacant role and reconnect to the same source with their own user account.



Deleting a source

From Source setting > General >  `Delete´

Deleting a source means that the source itself and all its related data are deleted. This includes validation rules, configurations, and all the data that was gathered from running the services.