Learn how to import files into the Bulk create table by using templates. 

When working with internal spreadsheets or files from external systems, importing them into Accutics ensures that your data is consistent and compiles with your company’s taxonomy. Doing so is made easy with templates. 


A template stores a custom mapping of the data from a .xlsx file to the input fields in the project configuration. This allows you to import files with the same structure with ease by simply applying them. 


You have the option to either use our pre-mapped standard template or to create custom templates tailored to your needs. Creating a template consists of manually mapping a file to the input fields of the project. Once saved, these templates are ready for use at any time. 


Templates are designed to support collaboration as they are shared and accessible to all users in the project. This includes using, editing, and deleting.

File requirements
• File must be in .xlsx format
• Dates must be formatted as text

Accessing the import

You can access the import feature from several locations:


  • Navigation bar. Click the 'Import' shortcut in the navigation bar for quick access. 
  • Create form. Find the 'Import file' button in the cards on the right side. 
  • Bulk create table. Click the 'Import' button on the top right.


At this point, a modal window will open, allowing you to import a file using an existing template or to create a new one. 

Import using a template

When importing, you can choose to apply our standard template or a custom one. 

Standardize template

If you opt for our Standardize template, you’ll need to download it and fill it in according to the file structure before uploading it. 


Hence, from the import modal: 


  1. Download the Standardize template

The Standardize template should be preselected and you just need to download it. 

  1. Fill in the template with your data

Fill in your data according to the file structure and notes.

  1. Upload the file to import

Click ‘Import’ and choose the file to import.


After finalizing the import, the file data will undergo validation and populate the Bulk create table with both valid and invalid data.

Indeed, invalid values from the file are retained and displayed with a warning. This allows you to correct the errors without having to refer back to the original file. 

Tip: You can also download the Standardize template by clicking on 'Download' > 'Download template' from the top right of the table. Here, you can also be able to export a list of datasets for reference when using the Bulk create table. 



Custom template

If you want to upload a custom file, you must have already created a template containing the mapping for that specific file structure. See the section below on 'Creating a new template'.


Hence, from the import modal: 

  1. Select the custom template from the dropdown

Under ‘My templates’ you can find the template you created, while under ‘All templates’ you can find the ones created by other users in the project.  


  1. Upload file

Click ‘Import’ to choose a file. The file must be an .xlsx, with all cells formatted as text. 



  1. Review the mapping

At this point, the mapping panel will open, allowing you to proceed with the import using the mapping from the selected template. You can find the name of the template applied on the top of the panel. 


You can also adjust the template if it does not match the structure of your files anymore.  


  1. Save and import

Click ‘Import’ to finalize the import. 


If you made any changes to the template, you will have the option to update the template or save the updated mapping as a new one. If it is a one-time occurrence, you can import without saving. 

After finalizing the import, the file data will undergo validation and populate the Bulk create table with both valid and invalid data. 

Indeed, invalid values from the file are retained and displayed with a warning. This allows you to correct the errors without having to refer back to the original file. 

Creating a new template

If it is the first time the feature is being used, you’ll need to create a template for your file(s). This consists of uploading an .xlsx file and setting up a custom mapping for the columns in the file to the input fields in the project configuration. 


Hence, from the import modal: 

  1. Upload file

Click ‘Create new’ and upload your file. The file must be an .xlsx, with all cells formatted as text.


  1. Custom mapping

This consist in defining the relevant data and then matching the columns from your file to the project's input fields. Finally, you can refine the mapping by applying import rules. 

Learn more about custom mapping here


  1. Save or import

You can either save the template and continue with the import at a later stage, or you can directly import and save the template at the same time.


After finalizing the import, the file data will undergo validation and populate the Bulk create table.


Managing an existing template

Templates are divided into ‘My templates’, which are the templates you created, and ‘All templates’ which are templates created by other users in the platform. However, regardless of who creates a template, everyone can edit and delete any existing templates. 


Editing a template


You can edit a template from the import modal. Here’s how:


  1.  Select the template

The section below the dropdown will update with details about the template.

  1. Click ‘Edit’

  1. Upload a file

Upload a file to use as the base for editing the mapping. This allows you to amend the mapping using the file as new a base. 

  1. Edit the existing mapping

Rename the template or edit its mapping as needed > ‘Save’


Your template is now ready for use, but please note that you need to restart the process to apply the new template.   See the section above on 'Import using a template - Custom template'.



Alternatively, you can edit an existing template when reviewing the mapping of a template during the import process. See step 3 of the above section on 'Import using a template - Custom template'.


Indeed, from the mapping panel, you can either proceed with the import with the mapping using the template’s existing mapping or you can also adjust it. Then, you will also have the option to update the existing template or save the changes as a new template.

Learn more about the mapping panel here


Note: Edits to a template are updated for everyone in the project.


Deleting a template

You can delete a template from the import modal. To do so:


  1. Select the template 

The section below will be updated with details about the template

  1. Click ‘Delete template’


Alternatively, when reviewing a mapping during the import process, click the more menu (…) > ‘Delete template’


Note: Deleting a template will permanently remove it for everyone in the project.