Learn which IP addresses to whitelist and why this needs to be done in relation to Accutics Validate. 

Automatic scan of marketing URLs

We want to ensure that all URLs used within digital marketing activities are functioning and tracked correctly. As this is not feasible to do by hand at the interval that is required, we want to automate this process by leveraging the value of Accutics Validate.

To ensure that Accutics can correctly request your URLs for validation purposes, without being blocked by security/firewalls/etc., a set of IP addresses will need to be whitelisted.


IP addresses to whitelist 

Accutics operates from the following four (4) IP addresses: 



Note: The IP addresses need to be whitelisted only once. This is also valid if you use multiple Accutics services. 


Technical details 

  • Servers are hosted with AWS (Amazon Web Services) in Frankfurt from where requests to URLs will be made.

  • URLs are checked and validated through a headless browser. It is over https and for your domain (domain.com), including your subdomains (*.domain.com)

  • URLs to validate are automatically pulled from media accounts within linked marketing platforms

  • Requests to URLs are throttled in a way where no performance impact will be visible