Learn different ways to resolve and unresolve errors from the Findings Table. 

After you've corrected the error(s) from your platform, you have several ways to mark them as resolved. Both `Complete´ and `Ignore´ actions count as resolving actions in Accutics Validate. 


Resolve errors

Resolve all errors for an element

Hover on the element name > Click on the meatball menu (…) > Mark as `Complete (n)´ or `Ignore (n)´


This will resolve all errors for the selected element. 


Resolve individual errors

If an element has multiple errors, but you want to resolve only one of them, you can do so from the error `Overview´ panel. 


The `Overview´ tab lists all the errors for the selected element with detailed information on what broke the validation. 


Click on the name of the element > Find the specific error(s) in the list > Mark `Complete (n)´ or `Ignore (n)´

Resolve in bulk

You can solve errors in bulk for all elements based on a custom selection or the error type. 


Select all

Check the box on the side of `Name´ in the top left corner of the table > Mark as `Ignore (n)´ or `Complete (n)´ from the top right of the table.


Custom selection

Check the boxes of multiple elements you want to solve > Mark as `Ignore (n)´ or `Complete (n)´ from the top right of the table. 


Error type

Hover on the element name > Click on the meatball menu (…) > Click `Bulk resolve…´ > Choose either `Complete´ or `Ignore´ for each error type selected. 

Unresolve errors

Don't worry if you marked an error as `Complete´ or `Ignore' by accident. You can easily undo it.

Change the table view to either `Completed´, `Ignored´ or `All´ >  Find the error you resolved by mistake > Click on it > Click `Unresolve´ to restore its status.

You can also restore them in bulk by checking the boxes on the left > Click `Unresolve´ (n).

After you start handling errors, the ´Source errors´ graph gives you an overview of your resolution progress. That is, the percentage of errors solved and a breakdown of errors by status - ignored, completed, and unresolved.